How about a dream purchase I have in mind?
I have had decent, reliable cars for the whole time I’ve been driving, but I have never chosen a car based purely on what I want in a car.
Practical factors (price! how many people can it carry?) have always been the driving force.
But when I get rid of my minivan one day, I have my eye on an extremely attainable dream car: a Honda Civic with a sunroof (I’ve never had a sunroof before!).

Why a Civic?
- Hondas are super reliable
- Civics are not too small and not too large
- They’re really comfortable to drive
- They get good gas mileage
And even with all of these practical features, a Civic would be by car the nicest-looking car I’ve ever owned.
Mr. FG and my kids are always bemused by the fact that I have set my dream car sights on something as regular as a Civic. But I really think I would be just as happy driving a Civic as I would driving something much more expensive.
For now, my 2012 minivan is fine. But once our nest is a little emptier and our car insurance policy is less populated, I’d really like to own a Civic.
We bought my SIL’s Volvo S60 which I think is comparable in size to a Civic. Now, this car is loaded up with luxury features, heated steering wheel, moisture sensing wipers, etc., so that obviously adds to the appeal, but I’ve been surprised with how the smaller size has been fine. I’d been driving a Toyota Sienna minivan and a Chevy Traverse SUV most recently so this has been a big change in size. This car is soon going to be my middle daughter’s to take to college, and we are going to try having one less car in the driveway until my youngest graduates from high school a little over a year from now. In the meantime, she and I will share the 2008 Toyota Sienna while I work from home and don’t drive much during the day. The van will get a new layer of dings and scratches in the school parking lot so we will wait to replace it until that phase of life is past us. My dream car at this point is probably a Volvo SUV also loaded up since I love the current one so much. They are smaller than a Traverse. I do miss being a little higher off the ground which is why I think I’d like to go back to an SUV again.
My dream car is my Prius. People always laugh that it’s my dream car, but even now at 13 years old it is reliable as can be, with great gas mileage. When this one goes I hope to replace it with the same.
Yes, me too!
A 15-passenger van.
Twelve might suffice.
Just this week I couldn’t give a ride to a kid in my Suburban because I ran out of seatbelts. I hate that.
Unfortunately, vans do not come with 4WD, so this is a nonstarter. Luckily, I do really love the Suburban.
I definitely did go the car route, but other dreams exist.
A nice all-in-one property that’s suitable for cow-calf, silage, row crop and children. Prefer to build my own house, my own way, but that’s negotiable.
A nice shop and the chance to be more involved in the daily farming stuff, particularly mechanicking.
I dream of understanding livestock, but this also is a lost cause, because I don’t even like animals and never have, and so I’m useless around them and thus useless to my husband when he needs my help.
I have a nice greenhouse that my husband built but my dream would be a HUGE greenhouse, with all the amenities, like windows that open and close depending on the temperatures, built in watering system that uses warm instead of cold water, and built in heater so that I can do my seed starting in there even when it is still below freezing outside.
I dream about being home by myself with all four of my children at school. This might not actually ever happen, since I’m still two years away from my youngest going to school full-time, and by that time, I expect the school (where I work two days a week) will really need ME to be there full-time. But if I can avoid that and have two whole days at home with no children around . . . well, it’s a nice thing to dream about sometimes.
Probably a dream to have the luxury to travel. That means the time and money. And not waiting till I’m retired!
I dream about having a more active social life. Covid destroyed what little social life I had left but it wasn’t like I was Mr. Popularity. So I wonder what Post-Covid will look like for me.
That is why I drive my dream car, 2016 Smart car, Best car made.]]
Haha, yes! Small cars for the win!
Hubby and I are anxious to get out of Austin and build a bardominium on our property out in the country. I get to start from scratch with the layout, features, appliances – the whole enchilada. I am already planning how to decorate it and there will be no landscaping that I have to rake or prune on the outside of it! Its a cdream for us and we are ready to get started!
I had a Civic for years and LOVED it! This was the car we bought new, brought our newborn daughter home from the hospital in, AND it was the car she took to university! You can’t get a better recommendation. 🙂 We finally donated it 22 years later, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s still in service. I now have a Honda CR-V and I have to say it’s great for garage sale and curb find transporting 😉 Donna
Not a vehicle but I would love a hot tub. Maybe if I ever move I can have one. When vacationing I try to get a rental property with a hot tub if available and afforable.
Your dream of going from a minivan to a Civic makes me smile. In high school we had to do a presentation on our dream life and while everyone else was picking fancy and expensive cars, I chose a “soccer mom minivan”. And now I drive one!
A dream that’s been on my mind for a while is for something once my kids are all in school. I’d love to be able to work for or volunteer at one of the organizations in my town that helps our hungry or our homeless population. The needs in our community are great and feel like they’re increasing. Right before I became a SAHM I had unrealistic hopes of being able to volunteer with a toddler in tow, but I’m hoping that once they’re all in school we can have the financial flexibility for consistent volunteering to be a possibility instead of me going back to a 9-5 job.
This is pretty amazing! I’d never had a new car, and never really cared about that, but when circumstances changed (I suddenly became a widow), I was persuaded that a new car made sense. So I traded a driveway full of trucks for… a Honda Civic! The exact one in your photo, color and all! The moon roof was mandatory! Frugality, friends, and God’s grace made it possible for me to own a reliable, sensible-but-cute car with no payments. The only drawback I have found is it sits very low, so with a bad back and neck (from being a nurse!), getting in and out can be painful. And older friends have a little trouble, too, but I haven’t been driving anyone due to COVID-19. Once I’m in it’s comfortable.
I guess my dream includes travel, so my Civic is part of it!
I was told they call it a “moon roof” these days because of skin cancer concerns. People might be reluctant to but a car with a “sun roof”!
My frivolous car choice would be Porsche Macan or Porsche Cayenne. I like how they look.
I’d also love to be guaranteed a certain amount of money every year. Maybe $80-100k? Not a huge amount but enough to travel more and not budget groceries and entertainment so much. That way I could be guaranteed to stay home or work part time, and my husband could do whatever job makes him happy.
Well, I am almost 69 and a minivan is still my dream vehicle! I have 6 going on 7 grandchildren and need the space for car seats, etc. Plus I love it for travel, so I tell people I’ll be driving a mini van when I’m 90. Hopefully a hybrid one by then.