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Well, hello there!
This is an odd prompt for me right now. I thought for some days about what to take a picture of because nothing is terribly obvious in my current life circumstances. The best picture I could think of is a path. Why? I know that sometimes, people who have been through a similar life experience…
The sun sets toward the back of our yard, which is rather overgrown with trees and brush. So we don’t really see sunsets here. But one evening I noticed how beautiful the sun was, shining through the trees on its way down. So we will count this as a sunset. Lisey was heading out for…
To my right
Our cat is not one to initiate snuggles, but she does really like to be in the vicinity of people. There are plenty of places in our house where she could be by herself, but she almost never chooses to hang out in an empty room. So, when I look to my right, the cat…
The best window in my rental house is the big front one. In fact, it might be the best feature of the whole house! It lets in lots of light, even on rainy days like today, and there’s plenty of room on the sill for plants. Since this is a good spot to grow things,…
After the storm
Overnight storms are my favorite, because the next morning, there are so many water droplets to see when I go out for a walk. I also like overnight storms because…I’m sleeping! I don’t care if water is falling out of the sky while I’m in bed. No inconvenience to me. 😉 And honestly, if we’re…
My mornings these days almost always start with a several-mile walk, because body movement and nature are two things experts always recommend for mental and physical health. (And also because I actually do like walking outside!) My phone’s camera roll is filled with pictures of the interesting and beautiful things I see when I walk,…
Red, White, and Blue
I was sitting here at my desk, eating my breakfast, and I glanced up at the photo prompt list. “Red, White, and Blue”, it said. I thought of an American flag, of course, and realized I don’t have one here. And then I looked down at my cereal bowl and realized that it met the…
Summer food
Watermelon is the quintessential summer food for me. I eat copious amounts of watermelon all summer long because I think it’s so refreshing in hot weather. Another reason I love watermelon: it’s so affordable! For about $5, you get so many pounds of fruit, and that is not true for some of my other summer…
Starts with “A”
I have decided that there are not that many things around me that start with the letter A! I had to think for a bit to find something to take a picture of. So, here are some…accessories. This little bowl is from the abandoned house (which my sister-in-law dubbed “the treasure house”, and I keep…
It’s been a while…
It’s been four months, actually, since I wrote here. During that time, I have lived a lot of life. And I’d list it all out here, but that might just make me think I should be more tired than I am. I came across a set of photo prompts for the month of July and…
What ticks you off in interpersonal relationships?
I think the most hurtful/upsetting thing someone can do to me is this: assume my motives in a negative light, and then proceed to tell me, authoritatively, what my motives are. “You’re just doing this because _____. You just want _____.” I HATE this for several reasons. First of all, no other person can actually…
The three words every woman wants to hear
As I was driving Zoe to her classes yesterday, someone on the radio teased a segment about the three words every woman wants to hear. Zoe and I didn’t hear the segment, but I did think about what the answer might be. The obvious choice is, “I love you.”, but I told Zoe I’d pick…
Are you a procrastinator?
Generally, no. I usually like to get things done ahead of time, if possible. For instance, when I was 18, in my first year of college, my psych syllabus included three writing assignments, due at any time during the semester. I was taking a very full load of classes and I figured I’d be busy…
If money was no object, where would you live? How would you spend your time?
My basic answer is that I would probably stay right where I am, except that I would buy a house that I really love. I’d stay here partially because I like that where I live has a good mix of all four seasons. But largely, it is because this is where so much of my…
What is so hard about making a sandwich?
Normally I write these posts based on prompts, but this time I just have something I want to say! Actually, I have something I want to rant about. Click the back button on your browser if you aren’t interested. 😉 So. In the last week or so, between Twitter and Instagram, I have seen at…
5 affirmations for when you are stressed
Hey everyone- I haven’t written here since the end of last semester. You might think I’d have had MORE time to write in between semesters, but apparently that was not the case. Anyway. I’m jumping in with a new prompt, which is asking about what I say to myself when I’m stressed or in a…
A time you felt out of place
I’ve written before about how when I was 18, my family and I took a road trip from the east coast over to Banff, Canada. On one day of our trip, we took a hike at Lake Louise. It was July, but at the top of the hike up the mountain, it was so cold…
When I get home, the first thing I do is:
I take off my shoes. I really, really dislike wearing shoes. And I’m not a fan of wearing socks either unless the house is really cold. So, one of the first things I do when I get in the house is kick off my shoes and take off my socks. I’m not quite sure why…
How important are clothes to you?
I think clothes are medium-important to me. If one end of the spectrum would be me wearing ratty sweats every day and the other end of the spectrum would be me dressed to the nines every day…I fall smack-dab in the middle. I do get dressed every day in the sense that I shower, do…
Have you ever been addicted to anything?
Have you ever been addicted to anything, or worried that you were? Have you ever spent too much time and effort on something that was a distraction from your real goals? Tellabout it. I have not ever actually been physically addicted to anything. Granted, I haven’t tried very many things that could become addictive! I…
Home Sweet Home
When you’re away from home, what person, thing, or place do you miss the most? Hmm. I’m gonna go with, “thing”. And that would be: my bed. I love, love, love my bed! It’s a king-size Luxi mattress and it is the most comfortable thing in the world. The Luxi lets you arrange the mattress…
What’s your learning style?
The prompt is a rather expanded question today: What’s your learning style? Do you prefer learning in agroup and in an interactive setting? Or one-on-one? Do youretain information best through lectures, or visuals, or simplyby reading books? In general, I do my best learning when I can see something. And I do my worst learning…
Are you good at what you do?
Uh, this is a very broad question because I do a lot of different things! I suppose in the U.S., we usually use this “what you do” phrase to refer to paid work. So for me, that would be blogging. I think I’m good at some parts of blogging and not very good at other…
The last place you went
At the time of this writing: to a funeral. The wife of Mr. FG’s youth group leader (from years ago, obviously!) passed away from leukemia, and since the funeral was held fairly locally, he and I both went. I’d met the youth group leader/pastor a couple of times before, but I had never met his…
A bullet you didn’t dodge
Shortly after we bought our current minivan (in 2012), Mr. FG’s company had a work party at Six Flags. We initially parked pretty far back, but at some point during the day, I had to go back to the van to get something. On the way, I noticed lots of closer parking places, so I…
A bullet you dodged
When Mr. FG and I were living in our basement apartment, we were busily saving up money for a down-payment on a house. We started looking in the year 2000, and as we shopped, we were starting to get concerned about how much home-buying was going to cost us. (Which is hilarious to me now…
A quote you like
“You don’t have to explain yourself to someone who has never taken the time to get to know you.” Sonia Sabnis This one is particularly useful for anyone who creates content on the internet. People sometimes will come across one post you’ve done, make a snap judgment about you, and then tell you how wrong…
Seven Wonders
Today’s prompt: Khalil Gibran once said that people will never understand one another unless language is reduced to seven words. What would your seven words be? Since I send 800 words out into the world nearly every day, I obviously would not be a fan of a 7-word vocabulary! But I think if I had…
How do you feel about 6:00 am?
Hmm. I would say that my feelings about 6:00 am are generally positive because it’s early in the morning, but not unjustly early. (4:00 am, for example, is an unjustly early time to wake up. I consider that night, not morning!) I love mornings. The fresh start to the day is lovely. And the long…