I’ll pick a story that’s so familiar in my own house that it’s a running joke.
When my little sister and I were kids, my mom ordered a set of two blankets for our bunk beds.
One was smooth, and the other had kind of a waffle texture.
The smooth one was infinitely superior in my estimation, and I immediately wanted it.
I noticed that the package said something about how one blanket was better for summer and one was better for winter (or something like that; it’s been a while!)
I wanted to convince my little sister to choose the waffle blanket, so I told her that that blanket would keep her warm in the winter AND cool in the summer.

I don’t know if she couldn’t read at the time, or if she just blindly trusted me, but regardless, she was sold.
And thus, I had the smooth blanket up from that day until the day I got married and moved out.
I feel kinda bad about abusing my sister’s trust (sorry, sis!), but it does make for a funny story now.
My sister had the exact same haircut as you. Possibly the same glasses. Marks of 80s children. 🙂
For sure. Bowl cuts everywhere!