Generally, no.
I usually like to get things done ahead of time, if possible.

For instance, when I was 18, in my first year of college, my psych syllabus included three writing assignments, due at any time during the semester.
I was taking a very full load of classes and I figured I’d be busy at the end of the semester, so I knocked out all three of the papers before the first month of classes was over.
I really don’t like to have things hanging over my head!
Also, I am not a person that functions terribly well under a deadline. I like to have margin and wiggle room, so leaving things until the last minute feels not-good to me.
So, in my current college classes, I pretty much always do my homework and quizzes before they are due. And last spring in my online biology class, when we had multi-day windows of time to do our exams, I always chose to study early and take mine on the early end.
Now, this is not to say I am utterly free of procrastination. Sometimes a task is so odious to me, I will put it off for a while. For instance, I do not like doing my taxes, and I usually owe money anyway, so I generally procrastinate on those a bit.
(To wit, I have not started on this year’s taxes. Doing something tedious in order to get a bill at the end? No fun at all!)
So. There are exceptions, but in general, the balance in my life sways more toward the not-procrastinating side of things.
/big fat procrastinator here. Always have leaned that way. It only bites me now on laundry day. I have 2 sets of sheets so that one goes on the bed and the other goes in the laundry and on the clothsline (always on a suitable day. The problem is I don’t always get the bed remade before bedtime (groan). I have started putting on the bottom sheet, at least, while removing the dirty one. Saves steps.
I am a huge procrastinator, and I hate it. Despise it with the heat of a thousand suns. I once (inadvertently) read something online that someone like should never have encountered. “If you leave it till the last minute, then it only takes a minute to do it.” To someone like me, that logic is just pure genius.
Procrastination is an everyday battle with me…
Yes and no? Like Kristen, a task I hate might get put off a good while. A task I don’t want to face later, at a time when there will be better things to do, I’ll jump on ahead of time and get it out of the way, but normally I simply meet deadlines, without being either too early or last minute.
I have two kids – one is a born procrastinator, and the other one is a “get it done early” type. We had an interesting time of it with them.
I’m the opposite with classes and deadlines. I do my best work when the deadline I tomorrow or the nxt day and I haven’t started yet. But I do work ahead when I’m cooking.