I’m a pretty serious rule-follower, so it will not surprise you to hear that my run-ins with the police have not been numerous.
In fact, I’ve only ever been pulled over one time.
It was in 2004, when Sonia was a baby.

I remember that I had had a particularly trying day; I don’t remember who was being difficult, but hey, I had two little kids and a baby. There are multiple reasons I could have been having a rough day!
Anyway, Mr. FG came home, saw that I was not doing well, and he sent Sonia and me out for a little break (she was a nursing baby at the time.)
Apparently, I was not paying any attention to the speed limit as I drove away from our house, because less than a mile out, I got pulled over.
And despite this being my first pull-over in nine years of driving, the officer gave me a ticket instead of a warning.
I decided to use the go-to-court option instead of paying for the ticket, and happily, the judge erased the whole thing based on my good driving record.

(I had to bring Sonia with me because of her being a nursing baby, and I will never know if a cute baby girl on my hip made the judge feel slightly more lenient!)
That was over 16 years ago, and I’m happy to say that I have not seen red and blue lights behind my vehicle since.
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