This could be a very short essay: no.
But since that’s kind of boring, I’ll elaborate. 😉
Running away never even crossed my mind when I lived with parents.
I suppose part of this is my personality (I’m a rule-follower and I don’t like to make waves).
But another part of it is just that I was not unhappy as a child/teen.

My family was not perfect (a perfect family is a thing that does not exist), and my life was not perfect (everyone encounters difficulties) but overall, I remember feeling happy and content.
As a teen (the prime age for running away from home!), I liked being homeschooled, I got along with my family members, I had lots of time to pursue my hobbies, I had quite a bit of freedom in choosing how my days were structured, I earned money by babysitting and teaching piano lessons, and I had a group of teen friends at my Bible study.

It was, in general, a pretty peaceful existence, and so I did not at all think my circumstances would improve if I climbed out the window at night to pursue a life on my own.
I do understand why some teens run away, and in some cases, it’s possible that life on their own would be better than life at home.
But mercifully, that was not the case for me and I am grateful.
Hats off to your fabulous parents for giving you that stable environment to flourish and for your personality.
Very good to read this… I’m curious what the books are on the shelf behind you in the photo. You were so cute as a child and look so much the same. Love seeing the “old” clothing styles!
Bible commentaries are the books.