Sometimes, I don’t relieve it very well, and the stress gets kind of bottled up inside me.

But when I am dealing with it more healthfully, here’s what I do.
- I reach out to a friend/family member for empathy/advice/truth-telling/prayer*
- I pray
- Sometimes I have a very serious crying session
- I go get a hug from Mr. FG
- I go outside
- I exercise (bonus for combining that with being outside)
- I do something distracting
- I go to bed early
- I take deep breaths
- I listen to music that has lyrics filled with encouraging truths
What helps you to relieve your stress?
*This reminds me of Sara Groves’ song, “Your Reality“, which is about how other people can help us adjust our view and remind us of what is true.
I sleep. It doesn’t cure stress, but it adjusts my attitude so that I can cope with it. I often don’t notice added stress as long as my sleep amount/quality is solid.
However, when I do need to check out, some fast-reading, brain-vacation fiction is in order.