There are lots of ways to have a boring evening, but the first one that occurred to me was this:
(and some of you will be horrified…)
watching sci-fi.

I have found pretty much every sci-fi movie/show I’ve seen to be incredibly boring.
It’s not that there’s a lack of action; it’s just that I do not find the subject matter to be remotely interesting.
I know it makes no logical sense for me to find something like Downton Abbey or The Crown more interesting than Star Wars, but here we are.
Those shows are certainly less exciting on the surface, but I find the small interpersonal dramas to be far more interesting than action/fight scenes.
Add in the fact that I do not like made-up worlds with made-up creatures, and British period dramas will trump Star Wars every time for me.
So: a sci-fi movie = boring evening.
An evening watching British period dramas, though? Totally fascinating.
I feel the same about most action movies.
Oh yes, me too! I feel a little silly saying that I find action movies to be boring because…they are full of action. But apparently that type of action is not interesting to me.
Yes! As I get older I find myself bored by action movies. I’ve seen enough car chases, explosions, and gunplay to last the rest of my life and beyond. Now I’m yearning for movies and TV shows that focus on people and their relationships.
(I’m giggling to myself as I write this) but I ALWAYS knew we could be friends!! (Insert crazy internet person emoji here.) I actually don’t mind sci-fi, but an evening with Poldark or Emma, or any other British period piece = pure bliss! Hooray for the BBC!
I haven’t watched Poldark…Sonia and I are still working through The Crown!
I agree with you 100%. I also don’t enjoy movies that are full of evil behavior. The world really has enough that I don’t feel interested in watching more for entertainment.
The only sci-fi my husband and I enjoyed was The Expanse. It’s technologically fascinating, interesting characters and story, fairly accurate portrayal of the universe.
But I’m with you on British period movies. Finished Downton Abbey, The Crown, The Royal Family of Windsor (docu), Mary Queen of Scots. Also love most docu history programs. We’re currently watching The Roosevelts. I knew little to nothing about them but what a fascinating family. Also, working through the 3rd season of Anne with an E – love it!
For me it’s probably less about genre and more about the quality of the story line and the character development. I often find sitcoms and action to be boring, and often won’t even try the sci-fi because it looks dumb (why is it always dystopian worlds and too much makeup??) My favorites are good dramas or detective series, but I can love well-done shows in any genre.
Watching sports is extremely boring, unless someone I love is playing, and even then, I’d much rather be doing something else with the person! I love reading, but some kinds of books (spy thrillers, historical romance, science fiction!) are not enjoyable at all. And most self-improvement books aren’t, either. I’ve always felt the same, though periodically I try to see if things have changed, because I want to be willing and open to experiences and education. I know others adore watching almost any sports and reading stuff I don’t like. Good to have choices!
Yes! A book can be perfectly good, but just terrible for you.
Sports can be perfectly good, but terrible for you too. And same for TV shows.
Hello, Kristen. Is fun seeing you here too! I just had to comment on Poldark. I love BBC period dramas, and have enjoyed Poldark but in my opinion the books are even better. I would sooooo recommend the entire series by Winston Graham for those who are avid readers to complement viewing the show. There’s twelve books so lots of material to enjoy. The final season of Poldark doesn’t originate from the books. I’m not giving spoilers as the writer has talked about it. I spent a very brief time in Cornwall, and always want to return when watching Poldark & Co. Hope that I didn’t deviate too much from this topic. Thanks for letting me comment!