This is a little hard to answer because it depends on what I am feeling not-assured about!

I feel reassured when a fellow Christian reminds me of biblical truths.
I feel reassured when someone tells me they love me.
I feel reassured when someone who is an expert tells me there’s nothing to worry about/something is fixed or handled.
(For instance, a doctor. Or a mechanic.)
I feel reassured when someone tells me I handled something the right way (I can tend to second-guess myself!)
I feel reassured when I tell someone about something that’s bothering me, and they say, “It’s going to be ok because _______.”
Sometimes, I can manage to reassure myself by looking at something objectively or by looking back at my life and thinking, “Ok, I made it through a situation like this before.”, or, “Ok, I handled this problem wisely in the past.”, or, “I thought problem X would go on forever, but it didn’t, so maybe this problem will also not go on forever.”
I feel reassured when things work out. I’m always expecting everything to fail so it’s nice when they don’t.
Same here. I feel reassured by different things depending on the situation.
I feel reassured when I remember to write notes to myself, seeing a note I wrote with a date or check mark, letting my future, forgetful self know that I did it already.
I feel reassured when a loved one calls to let me know he or she arrived safely at the destination after a long trip/bad weather/car trouble/whatever.
I feel reassured when I pray.
I feel reassured when I research a product and compare prices before making a purchase I’m a little nervous about.
I feel reassured when I talk over issues with a loved one who responds with love and practicality.
I love the snowy picture.
I feel reassured when I remember that life is long. That this time is not the best nor the worst. And that this too shall pass.
I feel reassured when I remember to trust myself. I am very methodical and careful. So when something goes wrong, especially at work, I remind myself that I have always done the best I can given the circumstances.
And I feel reassured when I talk to my mom. Even still, when I am 41 years old. And even when (especially when?) she can’t fix it.
This makes me feel reassured:
And everybody gave up and said “It’s all over.” And then along came David with his sling shot. God decides when it’s over.
This will sound so lame, as an adult feminist, but my husband makes me feel reassured. He is the kindest, most even-tempered, dependable person I have ever known, and for 37 years he has had my back. He makes our home a giant pillow I can fall back into when the world outside (mainly thinking of some intense jobs I have held) is beating me up.
Lindsey, I love all of the kind things you say about your husband, and I am reassured knowing that great relationships/marriages like yours exist. And what a lovely expression, to say he makes your home a giant pillow. What a comforting thought!
Lindsey, this sounds the opposite of lame! I think your husband sounds like such a lovely person, and I really like the giant pillow analogy.
When I speak with my friend. She moved away from me in CA to OR then to AZ but we still keep in touch. Even if I don’t solve my stress, just talking out my concern always makes me feel so much better knowing someone has by back.
Also, having faith in God is the ultimate reassurance for me.
“Reassured” is SUCH a great feeling. I think for many years, from childhood to mid-thirties, I almost never felt it, and that was rough. Much better now!
I, too, feel reassured with the same kind of things mentioned here.
I try to offer reassurance to others, when I honestly can.