I was listening to the How to Money podcast the other day, and the hosts were talking about how planning a trip is really half the fun of a trip.
I could NOT disagree more.
I really, really hate planning trips.
And this is especially true for a trip that requires a lot of decisions.

Like, if I have to book a trip to go to a wedding or a conference, that’s not a huge deal. The dates and the location are already selected for me, so there’s less decision-making involved.
But if it’s a trip that’s rather free-form and there are a bajillion options to choose from, I start to feel like I would just rather not go at all.
I go from zero to overwhelmed in about five seconds, and I basically have decision fatigue before I even get started.
Part of this is because in most areas of life, I prefer not to have a wealth of options. Simplicity really does it for me!
And part of it is that I do not have a big travel bug, so the motivation to push through the overwhelm is just not there.
Simplicity is another reason to love Aldi!
I hate eBooks and online versions of magazines. I know I’m not alone in hating them, but there are lots of people who love the convenience of them. Not me. Paper all day, baby!
I agree with you wholeheartedly on this topic. I despise to plan a trip, but I’m usually the one to do it!
Totally with you on this! Just came from book club meeting, where we are about evenly split! I will take any form of paper writing over digital stuff- for me it means the difference between pleasure/joy/retention and work/chore/forgettable/would rather not read at all sometimes! Yes- it seems to be age-related. When I travel, I’d rather grab a few lightweight paperbacks, print magazines, or something, than try to read all of the thousands of downloadable things available.
I also believe seeing most films at a big-screen theatre is preferable to a TV screen of any size, which is WAY better than trying to watch meaningful content on a computer, tablet, or phone.
Yep, I prefer paper versions of things too.
Except blogs, I guess. I don’t expect blogs to be on paper, so maybe that’s why they still work for me!
I hate trip planning,too. But, if I don’t do it then no travel will materialize with travel companion. Our last 3 wk travel to Ireland, Scotland, London and Paris required maneuvers that I felt a general preparing for battle would make. It was a great trip but lots of hours spent making the arrangements.
I absolutely LOVE planning a trip! We are meeting up with my siblings and their SO’s at the Grand Canyon in November and decided we wanted to hike some different areas on the way there and back. My husband plans all our hikes and I get to plan where we’re staying and eating! I love doing the research on bed and breakfasts, unique places to stay and places to eat. I don’t like driving around looking for a place to eat; I have all the info on restaurants in whatever area we are in. What can I say? I’m a planner!!
I wish I felt this way!
Me too, me too, I LOVE planning a trip! My husband gifted me theatre tickets for Christmas once but didn’t plan the rest of our trip because he knew that I would enjoy figuring it all out which I did. I love pouring over all of the options and making the pieces fit. The anticipation is so much a part of the fun for me.
Gosh, I am envious of all of you who enjoy this process!
What do I hate that other people love? Oh boy … where to start?
Star Wars. I hate Star Wars. I don’t dislike Star Wars, I outright hate it.
Most modern pop music. I think around 1997 I decided I was going to stop trying to like what was new and popular. Occasionally something comes along that I enjoy but it’s few and far between.
Alcohol and Alcohol Culture in America.
I think Star Wars is super boring. Same with Star Trek.
Alcohol and alcohol culture – yes!!! I couldn’t agree with you more on this one. I also hate comedy that seems too obvious or like they’re trying too hard. But given how popular it is, a lot of people do like it.
I really dislike live concerts. Especially those with no assigned seating. I hate the loudness and the crush of the crowd. I love music, but I think I’m a little frightened of large groups and perhaps have a bit of claustrophobia .
I really like to have assigned seats! Maybe I’m more of a symphony type of person.
I completely agree. I hate planning trips so much I’d almost rather not go. I’ll get books about a place and then can’t make myself look at them.
Oh, this is sooooo easy for me — COFFEE!!!!!
I can’t stand the taste, and if it’s in food, I can’t eat the food. Don’t hand me mocha anything, tiramisu, coffee ice cream, coffee to “deepen” flavor — no coffee, do you hear me? NONE. I’ve tried it many times and it is not happening.
On the other hand, I love the smell of brewing coffee. Go figure.
What a mercy you like the smell, because it would be super hard to avoid that!
I detest audiobooks. I hate having things piped into my ears. I don’t go to beauty salons because of the music they force feed me. Also, my concentration wanders if I try to listen to an audio book. My husband loves them so if we want to discuss a book he listens and I read and then we discuss.
I also hate all things Star Wars, Star Trek, or anything with Hobbits.
P.S. I also hate bacon.
Finally…someone else who hates bacon!! People think I’m crazy, but yuck to bacon!
I can’t pay attention to an audiobook unless I’m doing something else at the same time, like driving, folding laundry, cooking, or walking.
Oh my goodness, everyone came up with so many good ones! I don’t like Star Trek, Star Wars, Hobbits, live concerts (unless it’s a classical concert in a small venue with a small chamber group or soloist… I’m mostly talking about rock or pop concerts with loud crowds), or planning trips! I do, however, love coffee and bacon (both the smell and the taste). The funny thing about me hating to plan trips is that my husband and I are retired full time RV-ers. Neither one of us likes to do the planning of trips. Lol. Therefore, we find a place we like, set up “camp” and live there for a while. I’ve never had a big bug for travel and absolutely despise the planning. But I love living in an RV with the capability to up and leave if we want. Go figure.
Movies. Basically any movies. Two hours, poof, never getting them back. What a shame.
I hear you; I have a hard time getting over the mental hurdle of sitting down to watch one because it seems like a big commitment.
But on the other hand, I am sure I have wasted two hours doing plenty of other things that are not any more virtuous. And honestly, if I wasted two hours on Instagram, that’s probably even less edifying than watching a good movie!
Oh, for sure. I often spend perfectly good time very frivolously, on facebook or fiction or newspapers or what have you, but somehow that two-hour block of time that one would plan to spend on a movie — it just doesn’t appeal whatsoever.
I know I will probably be in the minority with this one but I hate all things Disney, including Disneyland, I always have.
Me too. 100%!