I’m going to take this in a positive direction; I do know I have faults and failings, but I’m just choosing to focus on the positive in this list.

I see myself as:
- made by God
- loved by God
- kind
- thoughtful
- hard-working
- sensitive
- smart
- cheerful
- optimistic
- friendly
- gentle
- compassionate
- patient
- a work in progress
Why is it so uncomfortable to make a list of postive attributes about myself? Feels like vanity, I suppose. Anyway. Here goes.
Efficient, practical, intelligent, odd, funny, dependable, and steady.
It is hard for sure! But I think honestly assessing the good qualities that you’ve been given isn’t necessarily vanity. There’s a difference between arrogance on the one hand and an objective evaluation of yourself on the other, you know?
This is going to be tough… I would describe myself as:
-Honest (but not in the sense of “outspoken”)
Unrelated to the question… That picture of you is absolutely beautiful!!
Oh, thank you! It’s taken in the light from my new windows. 🙂
It would be easier to do the negatives!
Not someone who panics in an emergency
Straight talking (people don’t have to worry about a hidden agenda with me)
Good sense of humor
I agree with all of these, and I love how straight forward you are!
I agree, this is hard to do! Here goes:
Phew, that was hard
I love this blog and of course, Frugal Girl. I never post but I want to tell you today’s prompt came at the right time. I have been struggling with some personal issues and it has affected how I see myself. I am going to think this over and make my list.
Thank you.
Can you pray for me to let go and guidance?
I just prayed for you right now. Hugs to you.
Sometimes when I am feeling anxious or overwhelmed, it helps me so much to remind myself of how God sees me. I think to myself, “God loves me personally. He sees me. I am accepted, not condemned. I am strong in His strength.”
And as I say these things to myself, I can feel my shoulders relax and my breath slow down.
I think the easiest way to make a list like this is first – list the things you feel like you need help on. Then secondly, be the voice of a very best friend to yourself and point out the obvious good things about yourself that outweigh the bad. I could say I’m strong-willed, opinionated, or stubborn and my little voice would say I have a strong sense of self-worth and see the worth in other people, too. Am I picky? Or do I know exactly what I like.. Do I talk too much, or am I friendly and talkative to others… Do I worry excessively about my kids? Or am I a caring and concerned mom who wants the best for her kids.. Its a very good exercise!
I think your negative traits are often positive traits taken to extreme…
This is a hard question. I spend a lot of time thinking, but not a lot of time thinking about myself, so that’s kind of an interesting revelation.
Just normal, I guess. Competent. Enough.
And all this by the grace of God. I’m happy here.