A lot of days, I feel like I don’t have tons of free time. But that is probably not entirely true, because a number of the things I fill my days with are choices, not things that are thrust upon me.
For instance, I could tell you I’ve been so busy because of all the painting/spackling that needed to happen after the window was installed. But the window installation was a choice.

I could tell you that I don’t have free time because I have another piece of furniture waiting to be painted. But obtaining that free bookshelf (which needed to be painted) was a choice.
(This is not theoretical. A huge bookshelf is currently drying in my lower level.)
I could tell you I don’t have free time because I walk every morning with Mr. FG and I lift weights three times a week. But exercising is a choice.
I could tell you I don’t have free time because I have lots of blog posts to write. But blogging (and especially starting a second blog! Ha.) was a choice.
How do you even define free time? I’m feeling a little stuck here.
Maybe I’ll answer this question: “What would you do if you had an evening with no obligations and no one that needed you?”
I think I would probably read a book or write some blog posts.
Basically, I’d either consume some words or output some words.
Or I might go to bed early because I do love me a good night’s sleep.
(Yes. I am an extremely exciting person.)
The evening with no obligations does happen for me occasionally, when my husband takes all four children camping. What I do with it is have a cocktail and watch a movie. And then I sleep.
It really is so rare for me right now. I feel always behind. When I do need an evening of downtime, I only want to watch a movie with the family or one by myself. I’m so exciting too! But I’d be more exciting IF I had more downtime. I like to go on easy hikes. We have such beautiful trails in the mountains I live in right on the lake.
My career choice isn’t always conducive to having a lot of free time; female academics tend to do more invisible service at their institutions, particularly mentoring junior faculty and students. We also tend to be VERY bad at saying no to requests for huge service responsibilities. I’ve made some conscious efforts to (try really really hard to) let go of what I can so that I can have some semblance of a life outside of my job.
I listen to audiobooks and podcasts while I quilt and, lately, sew masks. I also listen to audiobooks and podcasts while I cross-stitch. Those are my main free time activities. I like playing with my dog – especially making her submit to my whims before giving her belly rubs. I also like watching fun movies and tv shows with my husband.
Reading is the first thing that comes to my mind. It’s the thing that I have to be intentional about saying “no” to if there are other things that I really should be doing.
Well, I read in scraps of time that are in between other importanter things.
Sometimes I have two or three quiet hours during the day, with no other people around, but I usually do the regular things I do, just in blessed quiet.
I haven’t had an evening to myself in a few years, so I’m not sure I know what I’d do with it. Read. Have a beer. Eat some unhealthy snack foods, like extra-toasty Cheezits, or maybe Fritos. Sleep.
I also sometimes take my camera and drive away for a little bit. It’s often just a really little bit, though. Minutes. Nothing extended.
OMG! Extra-Toasty Cheezits are amazing. Combine that with a book or a TCM movie from 1940-1960 and I’m in heaven. It only happens rarely, very rarely, so it’s a huge treat! Maybe add some chocolate!
Oh yes, chocolate. I like my chocolate in chip form.
All other crackers pale in comparison to ETC’s. For reals. 🙂
I feel guilty when I have free time…like, “Surely there’s something I should be doing!” If I’m feeling very indulgent, I’ll either take a long bath and read, or I’ll watch The Barefoot Contessa. I might go for a bike ride, but see, that’s exercise, not total “I have nothing that needs to be done, downtime”. Does doing the NYTimes Crossword puzzle count? LOL!