Oh boy. This is hard to answer, partially because I know I am not supposed to envy anyone else.
But of course, like everyone else on the planet, I am not immune to envy.

I don’t know, though, that I envy any one person in particular. I’m more prone to envying certain aspects of other people’s lives.
This is particularly true if one area of my life is a veritable dumpster fire at the moment and I see that same area of someone else’s life going well (or at least, it appears to be going well.)
I sometimes envy aspects of other people’s personalities as well. For instance, I sometimes wish that I did not think so hard about what other people think and feel, and I envy the way that some people seem so free of that concern.
I know this aspect of my personality comes with an upside (that I can be thoughtful and sensitive about other people’s thoughts and feelings) but sometimes I wish I could keep the upside without the downside.
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