Boy, that really depends on the problem! There’s not one go-to person I’d talk to for every problem.

I mean, of course I can talk to God about any problem, but when it comes to people, my choice varies.
Sometimes I talk to Mr. FG.
Sometimes I talk to one of my friends.
Sometimes I talk to my parents.
Sometimes I talk to a sibling (my older brother is particularly helpful because he is more sensible and less emotional than I am!)
Sometimes I talk to a counselor.
Sometimes I talk to a pastor.
Sometimes I talk to someone from my mastermind group (they are very good for blogging problems)
I think I generally ask myself, “Who would be best equipped to help me with this?”, and that’s the direction I go.
Problems vary widely, and so the pool of people that help me needs to vary widely as well.
I agree… It depends! Sometimes my husband, sometimes my friend Amanda (who is very wise for her age), sometimes the director of children’s ministry at our church, sometimes my mother-in-law… This question is making me realize how much I miss interacting with a broad range of people! There are some wise people I used to see consistently and be able to bounce ideas off of that I don’t see at all right now. Good thing God never leaves us our forsakes us and is always there to listen and give wisdom when we need it!
I agree. It really depends. I also agree with Ruth T that I miss the wide range of people because sometimes the incidental interactions are also good problem-solvers.
I usually start with my husband, my next-in-line sister, my mom and/or dad, or my particular friend from college.
But recently we had a problem with the dryer at our parsonage that for pete’s sake had been going on for a completely unimpressive 18 months before I took it over by being demandy. I called a neighbor whom I just don’t call, ever, because we had understood she’d purchased the dryer. It turned out she hadn’t, but man, her advice (she’s a CFO and an extrovert, totally 100 percent not like me) was invaluable.
Anyway, it depends. 🙂
Uh, myself? I’m really, really not good about talking about problems with other people. On the rare occasion I do need to talk about something, it’s sometimes my husband, but usually my older brother. He works really hard at trying to understand and offering constructive advice or commiseration, which is nice.
I had to smile at this. I wish this were me. However, if I don’t ask, then I often end up being wrong, or failing to notice some aspect. So I’m going to chalk this up with another tally mark in the “you are hard core” column. 🙂
Oh. I guess I answered this as if the question was regarding personal problems. For practical problems about other subjects, I am more than happy to find someone who knows more than I do about it. I’m not hard core enough to fix a tractor on my own or something. 🙂
God bless sensible older brothers!
My parents. I’ll never be too old to call mom and dad! I hope my kids will say that about me one day.
My husband. Your support group sounds both overwhelmingly large and wonderfully large.
Haha, to me it just feels wonderfully large! 🙂
I always say that there are plenty of people with more money than me, but I am rich in people. 🙂
It totally depends! This is why it’s good to have a large circle or know lots of people! Or service providers, if it’s that kind of problem. And I try to be a helpful person to others, within reason!
Totally agree with Kristen @ going Country I usually just have a good chat with myself! That makes me sound a bit insane written down but it’s true. I put it down to being an only child and only grandchild on my mom’s side. I’ve just sorted it out myself. Going to doting parents, grandparents, and childless uncles and aunts for help doesn’t usually result in balanced advice. I do have my husband and two close friends who I do confide in occasionally but I usually go with my own advice anyway.
I’m the same way, Joanne. Other than electrical/mechanical/plumbing type problems (which I send straight to my husband), I tend to figure things out for myself. For better or worse, I’m extremely self-sufficient.