This is a funny prompt for me because I never had an official roomate.
I lived with my parents until I was 19, at which point I got married and moved in with my husband.
So, I suppose I have to go back farther than that!
While I spent most of my years at home sharing a room with my younger sister, I roomed with my big brother first.
I was 2 1/2 when my sister was born, and she and I probably started rooming together not too long after that, so I only have one memory from my time of sharing with my brother.
My parents had left us with a babysitter, and after she dutifully tucked us into bed, the two of us decided not to sleep. I don’t know what exactly we did, but I can clearly remember us happily jumping on our twin beds, with the light on.
(I don’t think we were really even supposed to jump on the beds during the day, so doing it at bedtime was not a good idea.)
Possibly there was more mischief too, but the bed-jumping image is what has stuck in my mind.
I don’t have any memory of our babysitter putting us back into bed, but I DO remember me and my partner in crime getting into trouble with our parents the next morning.
And I don’t think I ever did that to a babysitter again.

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