Hey everyone-
I haven’t written here since the end of last semester. You might think I’d have had MORE time to write in between semesters, but apparently that was not the case.
Anyway. I’m jumping in with a new prompt, which is asking about what I say to myself when I’m stressed or in a bad mood.

I think of affirmations as just me reminding myself of things that are true. I know sometimes they are used as a sort of method to kind of speak something into existence, but I think of affirmations the former way, not the latter.
Let’s see…what do I say to myself most often?
- God knows what He’s doing
- It will all be ok
- The answers will come when I need them
- God has not forgotten about me; He sees me
- It’s ok to ask for help
So, #1: God’s not going to let anything happen to me that is out of his plan.
#2: Given the first item, I believe that one way or another, things will work out. It might not be how I WANT, but it will be ok.
#3: I am often stressed because I want a situation to work out NOW, or I want to know what to do NOW, and it helps me to remember that oftentimes, I don’t get answers ahead of time. But I do usually get them when I need them. That helps me to wait more patiently.
#4: Similar to the first item, but with a reminder that whatever is stressing me out isn’t happening due to forgetfulness from God!
#5: We are not designed to be islands; we need other people. And in times of stress, it helps to ask others for help, even if that help is just a listening ear.
(Not that “just” really belongs in front of “listening ear”. A listening ear can be huge!)
My go-to one when something really, really terrible is happening is, “People have lived through worse than this and survived. You will, too.”
Also useful to me: “Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and eventually this will be over.”
My adult niece recently taught me “Just keep swimming” from Dory in Finding Nemo. I find it useful.
I also remind myself of what people endured in the past, including wars, famine, poverty, persecution, etc. It helps put things in perspective.
You and Lindsey shared ideas with a common theme…the putting one foot in front of the other concept!
“It is what it is.” — My friend Sheri says this; she has had approximately one zillion tough times in her life and still continues in faith and gives of herself until she has nothing left. When I grow up, I wouldn’t mind being something like Sheri. I’m pretty sure a lot of people say this. I sort of think one of my uncles says this, too; but I more remember him for saying, “That was pretty pink.” That one is specifically about accelerating through a yellow light as it turns red, but if you think about it, it kind of applies to a lot of things in life.
Also, there’s that Julian of Norwich quotation that goes something like, “All will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of things will be well.” I am sure I could google that language. My friend Cathi used to say that and she, too, experienced about a zillion tough things in her life (she is now deceased). But it’s true. We are not in control, no matter how much we think we are or how much we thing we could be doing better. In the end, it’s not in our hands, and it will be well.
During tough times I remind myself that I have made it through 100% of the tough times that I have faced so far in life and that I will make it throught this also. And I remind myself that the best way to teach my daughter to be strong when life is hard is to model that behavior myself.
I read an interesting quote yesterday – “Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.” I find this sort of calming, since as a perfectionist I tend to get frustrated or upset if things don’t work out right away.
Yes to Lindsey’s “others have gotten through this and you will too”.
And those very people who’ve gotten through what we experienced were the first ones to seek us out. My mother’s favorite line was always “this, too, shall pass>. Thanks for the prompt, Kristin. Seeking out that listening ear, finally.
Pray, and do the next right thing.
My main thought when I am going through a tough time is – God will not give me more than I can handle, with His help