Well, one thing I usually do is plot out the upcoming week.

I like to plan, so there is something satisfying about writing in appointments and goals and getting everything organized.
I think I like looking forward to a new week in the same way I like getting up to start a new day; it’s fresh and full of possibilities!
I am the sort of person who never struggles to find things to do with my time, so the idea of a whole new week just seems like a welcome opportunity to fit in all the things I want to do.
As a kid, I liked the beginning of a vacation the most, because there was so much of it spread out before me to enjoy. And that is sort of the same feeling I have at the start of the week.
This whole post is why no one has ever accused me of being too exciting. Ha.
“What do you like to do on the weekend?”
“Make a plan for the week. SO FUN.”
I am a whole party, clearly. 😉
What’s something you like to do on the weekend?
P.S. Usually the posts that appear on this blog are a product of the weekend! I usually pick five prompts and write them all at once on a weekend day.
Take a nap. I didn’t use to EVER be able to nap–not even during the zombie sleep-deprived newborn and toddler years–but all of the sudden starting a couple of years ago, I can. But only when my husband is on hand to keep the children from bursting into the room every two minutes with a very pressing matter that requires my immediate attention. Like that one brother won’t stop hovering, and the small girl is leaning too far over the block castle. So, the occasional nap only happens on weekends when my husband is not in his home office and is actually in the house to referee.
I should mention, my naps are only twenty minutes long, so it’s not as if I need a long period of time to myself. But even twenty minutes without interruption is more than you get with four little kids in a house.
I enjoy having some downtime. My weeks are very busy. Because of that I actually enjoy getting caught up house chores (not doing them, just the done part). I like to be able to go outside and “play” a bit too! And I love a Saturday morning if I don’t have to rush to do something or out of the house, just sip coffee.
I like to take a long walk on the weekends. A nice stroll down to the river is the best when we don’t have to rush.
I make our own version of sausage egg mcmuffins and freeze them. On Saturday morning, I thaw two while the husband makes a thermos of fancy coffee (as in real cream!) and we drive to this open field. The dog leaps out and runs until he can barely walk back to the car because he has used up all his energy, while we watch him and eat breakfast and listen to an audio book together. (Although when it is colder than 20 below, he quits because his feet get cold. They would not if he stopped eating off the booties I put on him.) Then we do our few errands, which now pretty much consists of picking up curbside groceries and stopping at the post office to check our box. We are usually gone about two hours to three hours, during which the house cleaner has come and done the heavy cleaning I often am too ill to do and I don’t want to burden my husband with when he already so much of a caretaker (I am frugal in other areas so I can afford to pay someone to clean and pay her more than the average wage, without having to take it out of savings). We come home with full bellies, a tired dog, and the groceries in hand to find a clean house. This little ritual of ours really sets up the weekend for us.
That sounds lovely and well deserved!