I’m going with three small misconceptions since none in particular stood out. And I’m listing the correction to the misconception, not the actual misconception!
I’m not actually an extrovert
In real life, I’m a pretty friendly, talkative, and bubbly person. Also, I’m good at small talk, so I pass as an extrovert.
But I don’t think I’m truly extroverted; I really value quiet time by myself, and if I have a whole lot of social time, I find myself feeling worn out.
I wouldn’t say I’m a hard-core introvert…probably a medium introvert. 😉
I am not always happy
I am perky a lot of the time, it is true. But I do feel discouraged and anxious and weary sometimes as well.
Only the people who are closest to me see that part of my life, though.
I like speed if it feels safe.

- I love fast roller coasters
- I ski downhill pretty fast (my app clocked me at 59 mph last trip)
- I like biking fast down a hill
- I like fast boat rides
- I’d love to go on one of those fast, long ziplines
All of those things do not feel out of control to me; I’m good at skiing and biking, and I trust that the boat, roller coaster, and zipline are safe too.
I like speed. I just don’t like things that feel risky!
I love your last one.
This was an interesting prompt to consider, because I realized that any example I came up with was a positive impression from other people that I immediately argued with in my head. Like, I feel like people think I’m more intelligent than I actually am. But then I realized that I shouldn’t immediately dismiss positive impressions that people have of me. So I guess the real answer might be that people think I’m very self-assured and confident, when of course I am riddled with self-doubt. As, I suspect, is everyone.
Mistake: Classifying me as a writer.
I’m not.
Writing is hard.
I edit — someone else has done the hard work.
I think a misconception people have about me is I’m not depressed. I’m one of those high functioning depressed people. I get up and get stuff done, not because I feel like it, but because it has to be done. I can manage to pass off a smile and do the southern I’m fine thing, but I’m really not. I still manage to listen to other people’s problems and work, but I struggle every day to be ok and to find a reason to still exist. I’m just one of those bottled up emotions people that won’t quit. I keep trying and trying.
Just <3 <3 <3 to you!
Oh my goodness, I got anxious just reading your list of things you enjoy doing fast! No to all the fast things. Slow and steady for me, thank you 🙂
People assume that I have stuff figured out. I don’t know if I have imposter syndrome or what I have but I really feel like I’m faking it most of the time.
People assume so many things about me, it is hilarious sometimes and very frustrating other times. Here they are:
that I am heterosexual (Most definitely NOT, my wife and I have been together 40 yrs. with 2 kids, 4 grands, and 2 greats)
that I grew up middle or upper class (nope, abject poverty)
that I am “naturally” thin (long, difficult journey dealing with morbid obesity)
that someone paid for my college degree at an expensive private school (public university, that I paid)
that I have a rich husband (Not a rich wife either)
that I am not intelligent (blonde, petite, female)
that I am a Christian
My message to people is NEVER ASSUME
Reading your comment and thinking about appearance made me think of another one: people usually assume that I have young kids, because most people my age do have younger kids. So, they are often surprised that I have a 20 year old and three teenagers.