A previous prompt asked for three, which I listed here.
So I guess I should think of a fourth now!
This is sort of related to the first one in my previous list, but it’s more general: I get annoyed when things take way longer than they need to.

This could happen because people are disorganized, because they didn’t plan, because there’s a lot of red tape, because they go down too many rabbit trails, because they’re indecisive, because they don’t get to the point, or just because they are a person who does things slowly.
And because I am not a person who does things slowly, I have a terrible time trying to be patient instead of being annoyed.
I want to holler, “Go faster!!”
But I know these situations are best viewed as an opportunity for character growth in me because I probably need to learn to be more zen and patient.
When drivers don’t use their turn signals!
I am definitely on the losing end of this one, but . . . people assuming any phone number is a cell phone and can be texted. We have a cellphone, but rarely use it, and never for texting. Except now we have to check it for texts, because that’s the only way the football coach communicates with parents. Which we discovered when we didn’t hear about the first week of practices, because he texted the information to our landline. I get that it’s more time efficient, but it’s still a pet peeve of mine. Because I really hate having to check a phone all the time.
On a related note, I really dislike when social media is the only way to communicate in a group. I’m not on Facebook and I’m definitely not going to join, but so many groups communicate through Facebook.
So many times I hear, “If we just had a newspaper, letting people know would be easier.”
Too bad it takes the loss of a newspaper for that realization to occur.
Misuse of homophones: bale vs. bail; rein vs. reign; the usual to-too and there-their-they’re. Not difficult to look up, very different definitions.
This isn’t really a peeve but more of a head-scratcher: when people write “quite” instead of “quiet”. Like…those aren’t even homophones!
My husband used to say that when you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and I think that’s true…that being said, I get annoyed at people who are chronically late. Set an alarm for Pete’s sake!
Being asked for a snack within an hour of when we finished eating a meal I made. Particularly if not much was eaten at mealtime. (Does this sound fresh from last night? Ha!)
Ooh yes, that is very frustrating.
People who don’t know that it’s IS ALWAYS the contractive form of it is, not the possessive form. I carry a black marker and when I see it on signs, I correct it, as soon as my husband walks out of sight (which he does when he knows I am going to engage in grammatical vandalism).
People driving cars below speed in the left-hand lane! Stay on the right unless passing! It’s actually a law, and extremely rude and dangerous!