When I was in kindergarten (the only year I went to “real” school), my mom was pregnant with my little brother. Some complications came up in her pregnancy, which meant she suddenly had to go to the hospital in the middle of the week.
And I think she might have been on bed rest after this for a little while. I’m a little fuzzy on the details, since I was 5 at the time!

Anyway, during all of this upheaval, I remembered we had show and tell coming up in class. I think we were supposed to find something to do with surveying, and I knew we had a book on our shelf with a picture of someone surveying property.
So, I found it and brought it to class.
I remember telling my mom about it after I came home, and she seemed surprised and a little impressed (and maybe a little relieved) that I’d remembered and that I’d found something on my own to bring.
“Very good, Kristen!” she said.
I know it’s a small thing, but my five-year-old self felt very competent. Like, ah, I handled something by myself! And my mom was impressed!
I don’t presently have a proud-moment-as-a-child comment. Just stopped by to say how DARLING this photo of 5 year old you is. My goodness!
Thank you! I really like classic vintage film photography look this one has. It almost looks like an Instagram filter.
My father ended up a single parent to six while still in his 20s. I was the oldest and I remember baking my first loaf of bread when I saw we were getting low. I knew he liked the color blue, so I dyed it blue. My brother said it was terrible, but my father ate it and pronounced it better than store bought or grandma’s homemade.
This is a hilarious story! I love how kids think. “He really likes blue, so obviously, blue bread would make him happy.”
Oh, this is so wonderful! You and him, both!This is the fish sandwich Dad, right?
We didn’t have a lot of money when I was growing up but my Dad wanted his 3 girls to have singing lessons. Me managed to scrape up enough for us to take weekly lessons. Some how the word got out (Dad?) that we were pretty good so we were asked to sing at a church function. We had never done anything like this in front of a pretty good-sized crowd (usually just family) and were quite terrified – at least I was! Apparently, the audience thought we were pretty good also as we were lavished with praise. I felt so proud of the 3 of us as well as myself for being afraid and doing it anyway.
P.S. We went on to sing together for many years at all kinds of functions, mostly church and private parties. It ended when we all got married. Sad . . .
Aww, this is so cute. And yes, singing in front of people is terrifying. I would much rather play an instrument in front of people!