Y’all, I apologize for all the issues on this blog recently. I think they are all resolved now (new posts are showing up, comments are showing up, etc).
If there are any more issues, though, please do let me know so I can get it fixed.
Because of the blog problems, I got really behind on last month’s prompts. So today I’m going to do a rapid-fire, short answer version to fit a bunch into one post.
The most valuable thing I own
Other than our house and cars, it’s probably my piano.
Something I got done today
I left the fridge in kind of a mess before my trip and it did not improve in my absence. So today I organized it, and now I know what’s in there.
My last major accomplishment
Hmm…passing my biology class with an A, maybe. I had a really unhelpful professor, which is why I consider this to be a major accomplishment!
Something that makes me feel young
Since I got married young and became a young mom, the parents of my kids’ peers are often significantly older than me.
So, I often feel young when I am around other people who have kids the ages of mine.
Something I hate doing each day
Hate is kind of a strong word. But I can definitely say that I do not love going over math lessons with my girls.
I’m happy to spend time with them, and I do value these times in a sense…but none of us is really enjoying the math part of this process.
Something I left undone today
I did not do a workout or even a walk today.
Normally I do that first thing in the morning, but I had a 7:30 am blood draw (just routine for a physical) so I skipped my usual morning exercising.
My favorite hobbies

- reading, especially if I have a memoir in hand
- taking photos
- hiking, kayaking, or biking
- writing
- bargain-hunting
The last thing that made you laugh
This morning I was remembering a hilarious game we played on my weekend trip (it’s called Quao).
It’s a little hard to explain how the game works, but it’s great in a group of people that are a little slap-happy, and when some scenes from our game ran through my memory this morning, they made me chuckle out loud.
That wasn’t quite all of the prompts I missed, but it was quite a few of ’em.
Usually I ask you guys a question, but there are a lot here. Answer whichever you’d like!
Re. young — I actually feel the opposite. Our oldest was born when I was 32, and I’m around a decade older than most of the mothers of my kids’ peers.
Re. math — I love math and love seeing my kids learn math. I love seeing them see the way to the answer, especially if it’s a creative and repeatable and accurate way, but when I can see the answer and the kid can’t see the way to the answer, oh man. That’s no fun.
Re. laughter — My husband just told us that before he went to bed last night, one of the kids opened their bedroom door just far enough to push the big pink stuffed bunny out and then closed the door again. No child remembers that. The retelling of this apparent sleepwalk was super, super funny.
Re. this blog function — I’ll be interested to see whether I can see this comment (or others!) as that’s the part that’s still not functioning for me (at least as recently as the comment I made on the three things this summer post). But either way, I’m glad to see new posts!
So glad you had an enjoyable trip!!
I see your comment! Do you see it??
Oh, I see it now! I hadn’t looked yet today (6/4) so don’t know when it might’ve turned up. I hadn’t been able to see it all of yesterday for sure.
Wow, that was a lot of prompts. Let’s see, I’ll try a few:
Most valuable thing I own: if we are excluding house and vehicles, it is probably our commercial zero-turn lawn mower. My husband was mowing yards for a while and got the one we currently own.
Something I got done today: A bid proposal to a local city for my office. This kind can take several days to do, but it was finished today and submitted.
Something I hate doing every day: Waking up with the alarm. I never seem to get enough sleep.
Favorite hobbies: I have very little time for them these days, but when I had time, I loved to read, write, do useful crafts (as opposed to simply decorative crafts), and check out thrift stores and yard sales.
The last thing that made me laugh: one of my grandkids said something funny this past weekend that made me laugh outloud.
Oh, I feel the same way as you about crafts; I really prefer ones that are useful!
I’ve felt like I’m a horrible homeschool mom because I never did crafty things with my kids. Well, not the paper, glitter, etc. kind often. I do try to teach them to sew, crochet, etc., but I don’t want the extra clutter because I have enough of that already.
I sat here for quite some time trying to come up with something of great monetary value that I own. And . . . I came up blank. Ha. Even my cars aren’t worth more than a few thousand dollars, probably.
Although, I bet there are some things I have–like my pressure canner and all my canning jars–that would be worth more now than when I bought them, given the scarcity of certain things nowadays. And a few more disruptions in the meat supply, and our sheep will be worth more than our cars. 🙂
Your young comment made me think of my friend, Amanda. She just turned 30 a week ago and is so excited about it. She has 3 kids and feels like it’s about time she’s 30 because she’s already living the 30’s lifestyle. She also feels young when she’s around parents of kids the same age as her kids. (Side story: the very first time I saw her and her husband was from a distance when they were crossing the church parking lot. I thought he was a high schooler carrying one of those fake baby dolls that high schoolers have to take care of for the weekend – he looked so young. Nope! Married, college grad with a real baby!)