I think there are usually a lot of relationships I nurture every day.

On the day I wrote this post:
I babysat for my cousin’s two kids and chatted with her.
I texted with Lisey and Sonia when they were on breaks at work.
I took Zoe to a PT appointment and chatted with her while we waited.
I checked in on a friend who wasn’t feeling well.
I chatted with a friend who just had a breakup.
My mom and dad came over to play a game and eat dessert with us.
I don’t think any of those things are particularly earth-shaking, but then again, most relationships aren’t nurtured with earth-shakingly huge actions. It’s the small, regular stuff that keeps relationships going.
This one doesn’t necessarily directly involve me, but today I took the time to nurture the relationship my kids have with my in-laws. We’ve been trying to find a time for them to video chat in the last week and schedules haven’t aligned. A 12-hour time difference makes it difficult sometimes! But I had them get ready quickly after breakfast this morning so we had time to call them before we headed off to the gym. I wanted my in-laws to have the opportunity to tell the kiddos themselves about moving back to the US from Hong Kong.
Today I’m trying to really nurture my relationship with my oldest kiddo, too. We’re in the middle of her siblings’ birthdays and it’s the jealousy fight is real when you have to watch both siblings get presents and be celebrated and your birthday was months ago! So I’m trying to fill her love tank as I think ahead to what it will be like to be in her shoes for the rest of the week.
Had a long telephone chat with friend who is in MN and have not been able to enjoy some (hopefully cooler than Texas weather) summer time at her lake house. We met when we decided to adventure to Maine-she from MN, me from TX and get nursing jobs which found us working together in a home health agency in Southern Maine. We take up like there’s been no time separation since we last visited in person. But she was so encouraging to me as a friend and with a nurse perspective as we discussed my upcoming heart surgery.