The most regular setback I seem to encounter is a physical one: my neck issues.
I have been to PT for it and had diagnostic tests and I do faithfully do my exercises, but it still seems extremely easy to knock my neck out of whack.
And when I do that, I am mostly sidelined from exercise, apart from walking.
Frustratingly, these setbacks make it tough to make progress on things like chin-ups or deadlifts or any number of other exercises.

But I know that the important thing is to keep getting back at it when my neck calms down (and it always does, with enough rest and stretching) and to keep doing my regular neck stretches even when my neck is not acting up.
A setback is just a setback as long as I don’t quit! And if I keep on not-quitting, I will eventually make progress, even if it’s slower than I’d prefer.
I’m currently annoyed at the IRS for changing 1099 forms so that what I usually get wasn’t quite the right thing and I missed the deadline. That’s a setback of a sort. Ha.
Luckily, we’re so small they’re likely to just ignore us, so there’s that.
In other news, back to the life motto. I don’t know why this didn’t occur to me then. For years and years I’ve said “Good gravel over bad pavement.” I like it as a life motto because it can be read literally and then it can go a bunch of different directions as well.
Good luck with your neck.
Depression and weight gain brought on by *waves in general direction* all of this mess.
Amen to that!
Our family was put out of business due to Covid.
Government money that was set aside recently to help farmers will not be used for climate change.
America is struggling. 😭
👆🏼I meant…,farmers will not get aid as the $$ will go to the climate control study.
“A set back is just a set back as long as I don’t quit!” SO TRUE!
I had always been relatively healthy and fit. Last year I had an illness that left me weak and overweight, and struggling with anxiety. While it was important to take time to heal and relax, I am ready to be healthy and fit again.
I do not consider my illness a set back, but I find COVID concerns and the cold winter weather in the Northeast a set back to getting fit. I do not feel comfortable exercising at a gym because my illness put in me in the immune compromised category (and that was how I stayed fit in the past). I was exercising outside at a local park, but it has been too cold the past few weeks and now too much snow.
A set back yes, but I am not quitting. (And youtube has helped, lol)
I’ve been taking care of my husband since he had knee replacement surgery 2 years ago. He’d had the opposite knee done 3 years prior and experienced no problems. But this other knee has been infected since the beginning. He’s now had 8 separate surgeries in 2 years on one knee. He’s had 3 knee replacements and 3 antimicrobial spacers. Each surgery we hope it will finally heal correctly, but we’ve been disappointed every time.
I’ve had to administer antibiotics through an IV four times, for six weeks at a time. Then when everything looks like we’re getting somewhere, the infection comes out of hiding and strikes again. We are now 2 weeks out from the most recent surgery. Infection usually shows up after 5 to 7 weeks, so we’re trying to not get our hopes up too much in case we have yet ANOTHER setback.
I am NOT medically trained, and yet I’ve had to administer medicines by IV from one to four times a day, each dose taking from 15 minutes to 4 hours, depending on the antibiotic. This has been a really frustrating experience for both of us.
Sorry to vent, but this is the series of setbacks I’ve been working through.
Ruth ~ I am so sorry for your deep struggles. Sending love and prayers your way. ❤️
Caregiving is so hard even without setbacks. Don’t forget to take care of yourself too and vent all you want (it helps not to let it fester!) Blessings to you both.
Oh, that sounds so discouraging. Here’s hoping this time is the non-infectious time.
A terrible haircut that is so short I cannot yet remedy it. Its hard to work in public feeling very self-conscious and my esteem has taken a hit. l I am trying to push thru those feelings and give myself grace over it. Its hair. It will grow back.
Oh, that’s so frustrating!
Isn’t it funny how we can be sure we think, “It’s just hair!” but then when something goes wrong, it’s so hard to maintain that view. I feel you.
I have a lot of problems with my neck, too. It has really helped me to do this neck strengthening exercise (in addition to the stretches), so I wanted to share it with you in case it helps you too. You lay on the floor on your stomach and lift your head up five times. Turn to your side, and lift your head up towards the ceiling five times, then five more on your back, and five more on your other side. Do this every day and work up to ten times each. It’s kind of like sit-ups, but for your neck. I call them neck-ups.
Thank you! I will give that a try.