When I was up in New Hampshire for my soon-to-be sister-in-law’s bachelorette weekend, we went on a hike to a place called Diana’s Baths.

It’s a pretty easy hike (one of the ladies in our group was pregnant!) but the path takes you to a really extensive waterfall area, with enormous granite rocks.
It was a lot different than the waterfalls I’ve hiked to here at home, and even though it was a cold and cloudy day, I really enjoyed it.
Other people had left rock piles in various places around the waterfall, so I made a stack too.

Funnily enough, I found myself looking for poison ivy during the hike because I am so used to watching for it here at home. But there was no poison ivy at all, maybe because the hike was very shady.
We also stopped by a scenic overlook, but it was so cold by that point, we skipped the hiking part.

That was an unusual number of pictures for a Kristen Prompted post!
While I’m outdoors all the time, it’s almost always just around my house, dealing with gardens and animals and so forth. So not what most would consider “outdoor adventure.” However! We’re leaving Thursday to drive to Arizona, and stopping to camp in the mountains of SW New Mexico on the way, so that should be good for some real outdoor adventure. Especially because we have to camp at a “wilderness” site (basically, not an actual campsite, just a spot far enough from a trail) so our semi-feral dogs will be able to run around. I did insist on a tent for myself, though. My husband never bothers with a tent when he camps with the kids, but I’m high maintenance like that. I guess it’s my city roots showing. 🙂
Such princess-like behavior, to request a tent.
In the 43 years that my husband and I have lived in the area we have walked or hiked in just about every park, path, trail, etc. in a wide area. We like to take our lunch to various picnic areas and eat as well. So a few weeks ago we realized that we have driven past a sign to a county park, probably thousands of times over the years, and never gone to that one. Why, I have no idea!! We turned down the road and found a beautiful, winding street through a wonderful neighborhood that we didn’t even know existed and it is only about 10 miles from our house. The road led to a boat landing, river, park, and a little shelter with just a couple of picnic tables. It was so quiet and peaceful there. I think we found a new picnic spot!