Uh, this is a very broad question because I do a lot of different things!
I suppose in the U.S., we usually use this “what you do” phrase to refer to paid work.
So for me, that would be blogging.

I think I’m good at some parts of blogging and not very good at other parts!
Basically, I’m good at content creation and relationship-building. But I am not as good at the strategic parts of blogging, such as SEO, strategy, and analytics optimization and tracking. I am also not nearly as good at monetization as some bloggers are.
What this translates to: I am a very happy blogger, I feel super fulfilled by my blogging work, and I have serious blogging longevity (13 years and counting!) because the backbone of blogging (content creation) is something I really love doing.
And my weaknesses in the other areas of blogging mean that I make significantly less money than many of my contemporaries, who are better at selling than relationship-building!
However, I think I get paid very fairly for the amount of time that I put into blogging, and I’m pretty content as-is. I know I could be more strategic and smart about all the other stuff outside of content creation, but honestly, I’d probably be a more miserable blogger then, and I might want to quit.
So, I don’t think I’m really going to change anything!
Yes, or I wouldn’t do it. I mean that broadly, in that I’m one of those people who unfortunately fears failure and so don’t try some things just because the learning phase is so uncomfortable for me. It’s not great, but that’s how I am. I try to recognize that and occasionally overcome it, but that’s still my default.
I am pretty good at my paid job. I’ve had a number of compliments and pats on the back, and I get bonuses and raises, so, they must like my work. I think that I might still improve, though, now that I am getting better sleep at night. There is always room for improvement.
I think I’m good at what I do, workwise. Sometimes I have “imposter sydrome” but in the end I usually (with a lot of praying) am able to accomplish whatever task gets thrown at me, from chatbots to e-commerce!
Outside of work … if I weren’t good at biking or skiing, etc., I probably woudn’t still be doing them. I am very stubborn though and will continue to work at something until I reach the “good enough by Julie standards” point.
There are things I’m VERY good at accounting (my job), reading (my passion), napping (my other passion 😉 ). Most days, I consider myself an intelligent being and I can find my way around a computer with a fair amount of ease. But when you said “such as SEO, strategy, and analytics optimization and tracking” I may or may not have stared at the screen and blinked while crickets chirped in the background. NO clue what you said. HA HA! Can you give the “Blogging for Dummies” translation? There are many things I am interested in, most of which I try, some I am “good enough” at but none of which I am “great” at. (Side note: I am horrible at baking…just ask my kids! LOL) I think I can add blogging to the “Not So Good At” list. lol
Since I’m at SAHM, I guess that’s what I’ll go off of for this question. Yes, most of the time I am a good mom. A better mom than I was 6 years ago! My understanding and patience have increased greatly in that time.
Kristen, from this side of the blog, yes, you are VERY good at it!
I have stopped reading many when it becomes clear that they are all about “monetizing”! Of course bloggers deserve pay for their time and talents. I can scroll through ads, or click on links for things that are of interest, and I have bought things happily knowing that somehow the blogger is benefiting a little bit from that. But what I dislike is when the blog seems only to exist to sell stuff in manipulative ways. None of this applies to either of your blogs! And thanks for that!