The official definition of a hobby is: An activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure.

By this definition, I have a number of hobbies and this blog is one of them.
(The Frugal Girl earns money. This blog earns exactly $0, so I consider it to be just a fun side project.)
Other more general hobbies:
- photography
- writing
- reading
- piano-playing
- decluttering
- rehabbing furniture
- baking (mostly because I like to eat baked goods, so maybe my hobby is “eating baked goods”)
- some types of exercise (such as walking, biking, & kayaking)

There are other things I like to do, of course, but they wouldn’t exactly be hobbies. For instance, I really like visiting water parks, but that seems like a non-hobby since it’s not something I do regularly.
And in the same way, there are other things I do regularly (lifting weights, folding laundry) that are not hobbies because I don’t do them for pleasure!
Yup, blogging. Reading. And I suppose gardening, though I actually don’t consider myself a hobbyist gardener–like, say, a person who cultivates flowers–so much as a very small-time farmer feeding my family. 🙂
Foraging and preserving used to be a hobby, though I don’t do that so much anymore because there just isn’t as much to forage here as there was in New York. Or maybe I’ve gotten lazy and never bothered to really learn what’s out there. Possible.
With the amount of juniper in New Mexico, you could make your own gin. 😉
I don’t really hobby, I guess. Is that lame?
I read a lot but that’s more of a timesuck than it is a hobby. I fall into a book or giant stack of newspapers (neglected because book, or because busy because life) and fail to climb out.
There are things I can and do do, like take pictures and write things sometimes, and I can sew and play piano some and garden some and mechanic some. These are usually a means to an end, though, and not done for their own sake. (I suppose the camera is more like a hobby than the others because I do use it a ton.)
Reading is totally a hobby!
I have been writing letters to pen pals since I was a child. I still write letters, although a lot of my pen pals and I are on Facebook or communicate via email these days. I have been writing to some of my pen pals since the 1980s! I hace met several throughout the years and have forged some very strong friendships. I have also learned so much about other countries through correspondence. 🙂
I too have been writing penpals for years!!! I also love to sew and read
Sewing, reading, reading about sewing, cooking from scratch, making my own mixes/package foods, baking, family, serving the family house cats that rule, etc. I also fit in working part-time and being partially retired. 😍
Cooking and baking and reading recipes. I like to read about where recipes cane from and the history and science of food. I guess a hobby would be collecting special (frugal) finds at thrift and antique stores. We like kayaking and camping and I like to cook over the fire. When I retire I plan to have a lot more hobbies. Between kids and work, sitting down seems to be a great hobby right now!
There are lots of things I want to do as a hobby but there isn’t time for everything. So the ones I do whether I have time to or not are hobbies to me….reading, snail mail (& the paper crafting that goes with it), & gardening are the main ones. I cook every day & sometimes I enjoy it. And I try to walk in the woods every day….is walking a hobby?
Reading. Pre-COVID I could probably count spin classes as a hobby. I loved it. I miss it. For now, at least I can still read!
Reading, definitely, but oddly, since the pandemic, I’m not reading as much!
I have been teaching myself to paint watercolors and to draw with pen and ink. I’ve been baking a lot, too. I knit and crochet, and I got out a neglected counted cross-stitch project recently.
I do outdoor stuff too, like camping, hiking, and sailing, usually, but I’ve been stuck at home taking care of my husband and his knee replacement (it got infected and we’ve been working on it for 18 months now). I have a LOT of hobbies, and there’s definitely not enough time for all of them!