The last picture you took
On my phone, a photo of my desk.

On my actual camera, a photo of last night’s dinner.
And both of those were for blog purposes!
The last time you cried
I think it was Sunday morning at church, because of the words of a song (so, not negative tears)
Something you’ve never done but wanted to
Zip-lining! I think that would be thrilling, but not as scary as something like sky-diving.
1. My oldest kid as I dropped her off at her classroom.
2. I normally get to drop off my 3yo at the childcare associated with my husband’s work while I take my 5yo to speech therapy. Yesterday the childcare was closed and I had to bring her along. Instead of reading one of the many books we brought along or doodling, she just laid on her stomach on the floor watching what her big brother was doing. It was so cute! I sent the picture to my husband.
1) My middle son when he got up this morning.
2) My phone is my only camera, and the latest picture on it is of the salad I had for dinner last night. Blogging means pictures like that are on your phone. 🙂
3) Last week, when my son told us about a boy on his football team who has a terrible family situation and was also having trouble with the other boys on the team. I don’t cry much, but children in pain will do it.
4) We wanted to go to Quebec City when we lived on the Canadian border and never did, and now we’re a lot farther, so it’s even less likely.
The last person I hugged was my son. He gave me a big hug when I came home from a doctor’s appointment this morning.
The photo I took was a thumbs up selfie with my son (also this morning).
The last time I cried was late Wednesday night. I had trouble sleeping and ended up thinking of all of my life troubles. Fortunately, this is a rather rare occurrence for me.
I want to get a small tattoo. I currently have none, and have talked myself out of it in the past. This time might be different.
1. I have never liked being hugged, even as a child when people are ordering you to hug grandma or the teacher. My parents stopped doing that when I started biting the arms of people I was being forced to hug. Now I hug my wonderful husband, a lot—but not really anyone else. And I am embarrassed to say that on days when I am really stressed and don’t even want him to touch me, if he does hug me I still get the urge to bite him. Now I just tell him I am going to bite him and he knows that means I just need to be left alone.
2. the last picture of of our dog licking my husband’s face while he was on the floor trying to stretch his back. He finally gave up and just played with the dog, who was ecstatic to have someone down on his level.
3. Teared up over a friend who is having her first birthday alone after her husband of forty years died suddenly. She lives far away and her friends have mostly died, too, and she is going blind.
4. Go to Mongolia and see the huge horse show they have there every year.
1. My daughter who will be returning to college after many months at home. Having a difficult time sleeping, ahem, since she leaves in 5 hours. 🙁
2. About ten minutes ago due to reason #1.
3. Took a selfie today with my lovely inside and out co-worker to send to our mutual friend.
4. A hot air balloon ride would be cool. Is very expensive so will never do this unless I was gifted it. Ha!
1. I carried my youngest from bed to the bathroom this morning. Waking up is hard, man. But she holds on so tightly and the chances to do this are increasingly few.
2. I took a panorama of the little construction project that is happening in our living room and sent it to my sister and a friend to show how the room will change (a lot).
3. I don’t cry easily or often, but twice in the last few days I’ve clicked through photos of the late Marines doing their jobs and engaging with children in Afghanistan, and that got me.
4. Something I’ve never done … well, go to architecture school, finish a master’s degree in math, live as a genuine hermit, buy a section of land, catch up on all my to-do lists. Nothing small here. lol.