There are four of us, and I’m the second-born.

In birth order, there’s my older brother, me, my younger sister, and then my younger brother.
I am the most similar to my younger brother, both in looks and in personality. We look more like my mom’s side of the family, while the other two siblings look more like my dad’s side.
We’re alike in personality too; both of us are fairly mild and easy-going, and we are not as adventurous and competitive as our other two siblings.
How are the four of us alike?
We are all:
- ambitious
- hard-working
- not terribly anxious
- not particularly safety-conscious (some might say we are foolhardy, we see it as not being paranoid. Ha.)
- Christians
- parents (all of us have 4 kids except my sister, who has 5)
- active (none of us are really sit-still types)
Of course, there are many ways in which we all differ from each other, as is the case with most sibling groups, I am sure!
How are you similar to your siblings?
(Assuming you have them; I know not everyone does!)
Interesting question. I have two siblings, a brother and a sister, both older than I am. I’d say we’re all practical and relatively accepting of some physical inconveniences. None of are squeamish, either, which is a good thing, given the places they’ve visited me and the number of dead animals and other gross things that seem to be an inescapable part of rural living. We’re all efficient and capable, and we share a similar sense of humor, so of course I think we’re all funny. 🙂
Actually, reading that, I think I should congratulate my parents on a job well done.
I’m the oldest of four (it goes girl-girl-boy-girl). By personality, we are all pretty different, but we are fortunate to enjoy each other’s company and to stand up for and help one another. We are all blessed with the gift of faith in Jesus. Our family history is loving and generally stable, which is also a wonderful gift. And, we all like to travel, we are all able to work hard, and we all like to read.
That’s a bombshell question in my family. I’m the youngest of 12….see if you can keep up…
My dad had 6 children in his first marriage
My mom had three children in her first marriage
Then they moved in together. My mom was divorced, my dad still married & they had three more children. I was the last one. Of the 12, seven are still living. I speak to them if they call me but I don’t ever contact them. I do look like some of them & I hate to admit that I probably act like some of them as well.
My parents did eventually marry. My dad accepted Christ when I was seven & our home was more stable then but never peaceful…too many mistakes from the past meant we all still live with the consequences. My parents are both gone now. My dad when I was 17 & my mom when I was 40.
My grandfather was the youngest of 12 too! Most were by his father’s first wife, but after she died he remarried and had a few more. They were Roman Catholic and my great-grandfather had emigrated as a baby with his parents from Bavaria to the US, then on to Canada where they farmed.
Perhaps to compensate, my grandfather didn’t marry until his late 40s (at the end of WW2, here in the UK where he was posted) then only had one child.
I should add that I have one brother, 9 years younger than me, and we have chosen very different lives.
There are 8 of us….G,G,G,G,B,B,G,G. It’s funny how our parents raised us all the same but in our situation our personalities pair up this way: #1 & #7, #2 (me) & #8, #3 & #6, and #4 & #5. Our similarities include us all being independent people who can stand on our own two feet without relying on our parents so much, our faith even though some of us practice it in different ways, our we are all hard workers and will go after what we want, we all have children…#1 & #8 have four each while the rest of us all have 2 each. Our parents are great folks who devoted their lives to us kids and raised us well 🙂