That is actually one of the prompts for this month. Ha.
The lack of posts here might answer the question, though!

Part of the issue is that I had two trips pretty close to each other, one of which was a week long.
Also, I was getting so frustrated with the tech issues on this blog, it was feeling unmotivating to write. Why write a post if people can’t see it or can’t comment on it? Ugh.
Hopefully those issues are ironed out now. We’ll see if you get this post or not!
I’ve also been busily working on updating the archives of my main blog, which is a huge project. I’ve been fixing broken links and removing irrelevant posts, but the main job is adding a text description to each photo.
My blog has always been really photo-heavy, so this is a job that is large in scope. And it is tedious work, too; after I spend a couple of hours editing photo html, I start to feel that, in the words of Laura Ingalls Wilder, I am going to fly to pieces.
(She said that after spending days being hired to manually sew button holes in shirts. Which is arguably worse than adding alt text photo descriptions!)
Anyway; here’s to more consistent posts in the future.
Not at all. It’s funny, because I talked to two different friends yesterday who spent several minutes detailing to me how hectic their summers have been so far. “How about you?” they asked. And I can truthfully say, we’re just chilling with nothing much going on. Which is exactly how I like it. I can feel my stress level rising just listening to other people tell me how busy they are, and we made a lot of big life changes so that we don’t feel that stress first-hand. At least, not consistently.
Not very! My life has not yet gone back to pre-COVID normalcy, though that option is becoming available starting Monday!! So now I have to decide how much of the slower pace we should keep versus what we should add back in. For now, it’s church on Sundays, playing at the park on Mondays, storytime at the library on Wednesdays, and everything else (with my 3 kids all day) is flexible. It’s been a lovely summer!
Let’s see if this comment shows up!
I am so busy, I am on the second renewal on my library book, and I’m still just half-way through it. I can only read 2 or 3 pages at a time most evenings, before I have to give up and go to sleep.
I think the fact that I see my job at work as restful says something about my current levels of busy-ness at home. Even with a caregiver for my husband from 8 to 5, I find I have more to do at home than I have time for. I don’t like it, but that’s life right now.
Hey. I got your post and I am able to comment. Hope this helps.
I’m in the too busy category. We were just on the road for two weeks running a conference for people who do tech work for missions and then gathering with our own missions staff for a team retreat. We got back home and now friends (whom we haven’t seen in years) have come to visit for the weekend. Another friend is in the area for two weeks and is committing to help me declutter and organize–much, much needed, but another thing to do. And we homeschool through the summer too (because we skip school in August and September and March due to ministry schedule). So trying to make sure I take time to sit still and rest in the Lord and breathe in the middle of the busy.
As you know, Very!
I am busier than I was when we were “staying home” during the pandemic but not as busy as I was before that. I have some volunteer activities that have continued or will soon resume and others that I would like to replace going forward. We have some travel scheduled at the end of the summer so that will be a nice change.