Unless the weather is terrible (like pouring-down rain), I start each day with a 3 mile walk around our neighborhood with Mr. FG.
I like walking, but we are currently at a time of year when this is more of a struggle for me. Oppressively humid mornings are way harder for me than cold, dry January mornings!

Anyway, on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I do some weight training after our walk. I’m currently working on squats, kettlebell swings, chin-ups, and v-ups, along with some PT exercises.
I joked that I was finally going to do a chin-up on my own by the time lockdown was over, but I am sorry to say that lockdown is going to have to go on for a while if that’s going to be true!
I’ve been working on chin-ups with bands faithfully, but I’m progressing through the bands really slowly. Part of this slowness is because if I go too hard at the chin-ups, I sometimes end up hurting my neck.
So, I’m slowwwwly working my way towards an unassisted chin-up, paying close attention to having good form so I don’t injure my neck.
And ONE DAY, I am determined to reach that goal.
Even if it’s not by the end of COVID lockdown.
Chasing four children, hauling water for animals, and gardening.
I’ve jogged off and on all of my life, but it’s been about a year since I’ve done that regularly.
I know this is heresy but I loathe exercise of any kind. I have tried everything—walking, organized sports (which I loathe the most), swimming, biking, x-country skiing, downhill skiing, kick boxing, even boxing-boxing. My husband tried to interest me in that but after he broke my nose and that gave me two black eyes when I moved toward his glove instead of away from it, we both agreed it was not my sport. I even tried golf, taking lessons, and that was the worst of all—following a ball I had no interest in finding. The only one I can tolerate is swimming. I do garden a huge backyard plot and a very large greenhouse, but that doesn’t really count because the only way I work up a sweat is if it is 90 degrees out. I would rather be reading…I did enjoy field hockey when I was in high school, but I think I mostly liked being able to get into stick fights.
Another vote for heresy. Also another vote for chasing children and gardening (though my gardening is … the world’s worst).
I like hiking and kayaking but only because it’s fun and not exercise even though it turns out to be. I hate exercise fir exercise sake whether is why I need to lose weight. If I could go hiking and kayaking everyday I’d be in the best shape ever. I do like walking so I am trying to do that more.
I would say that I feel kind of the same as you. I like walking, kayaking, or exercising while doing another task (cleaning up the yard, for example, feels like it has a purpose.)
Exercise that’s just exercise, though? I only do that for the end result (stronger bones, more muscle bc I know I’m going to slowly lose it as I age otherwise!)
Right now? Nothing. My gym is just starting to open with outdoor classes, but until childcare comes back it doesn’t matter for me. My husband is back at work so I no longer can take a walk/jog/bike ride on his lunch break at home. So for the time being I’m giving myself grace and recognizing that this is only temporary. Someday, I look forward to going to spin classes and weight training classes again.
I walk/hike just about every day, usually even in the rain (but not if there is ice). I also do PT exercises for my shoulders some days. I do a yoga class 2-3 times a week (streaming now before lock down in person), and I do a small Pilates routine at home most days. I’m hoping Pilates classes will resume but who knows. I also sometimes bike and try to keep busy. I am 60+ and trying to maintain muscle mass, flexibility, balance,
and bone mass.
I hate most “exercise”, too, although I like being active, and gardening and walking are good. Canoeing and kayaking were great although I think those may be in my past, rather than my future because of my arthritis and logistics. What works for me is paying for a weekly very high-intensity strength trading that takes 20-30 min. It’s very hard but fast and really effective. My trainer knows just what I can and can’t do, so I don’t make things worse, which always happened with yoga and group classes. My orthopedic doctor and his colleagues go there, too! Since I feel great afterward and I pre-pay, I don’t blow it off. I “could” do it at home for free but I never followed through. And when I had equipment at home, it just sat, taking up space! And most days I take a fast walk somewhere. So instead of multiple hours of ex routines, I use all of those hours to work and earn money! It’s taken me a long time to find something that works for me, and I’m SO glad I did.
It’s just once or twice a week!
The only thing I do atm is walk my dog. He is old, so we go slowly, but we live in a neighbourhood with lots of hills, so I suppose I’m getting some exercise. I definitely feel the difference if I go a couple of days without it!