Hmm. I would say that my feelings about 6:00 am are generally positive because it’s early in the morning, but not unjustly early.
(4:00 am, for example, is an unjustly early time to wake up. I consider that night, not morning!)

I love mornings. The fresh start to the day is lovely. And the long stretch of hours before me? They taste deliciously of possibility.
Plus, I usually feel my best in the morning; by late afternoon and evening, I’m usually starting to drag.
I also really like quiet, and 6 am generally has a plentiful supply of quiet.
I am at my most motivated and productive early in the day, so that’s another point in favor of mornings.
The way I feel about 6:00 am is directly correlated to how prompt my bedtime was the night before. I am not a person who feels great on less than eight hours of sleep, so if it was 11:00 pm (or later!) by the time I slid into the sheets the night prior, I will not feel great about 6:00 am.
If my head hit the pillow at 10:00 pm, though, and I had a decent night’s sleep, then 6:00 am and I can be friends.
I will never like 6 a.m. I am a night owl. My perfect time of the morning is 7:30 a.m., a time I awake normally on Saturdays when I have no one else waking me.
6 a.m. is the latest I have slept in literally years. So if I wake up at 6 a.m., I feel behind. However, if my children are still asleep, I love 6 a.m. Morning is my quiet time, and whether I get that time or not will change my day. Or at least, my perception of my day 🙂
I am a morning person too! I even wake early on vacation. I am NOT a night person. I love to work out early in the morning and tackle my most challenging tasks!
I am an early riser. I love the peace and quiet. The sun rising, the weather changes, the organization to my day. I think you know if you are a lark or an owl and structure your life around it. My husband is definitely an owl and so it has been a learning experience over our life together to communicate with each other at times when we are both alert and engaged.
6 am seems like an unjustly early hour to me! Combine my night owl tendencies and a husband who works shift work – welcome home at 12:45 am, honey! – and 8 am is the earliest I want to get up. But I do like quiet mornings full of possibilities.
6 am feels like punishment, with a little bit of feeling virtuous, and enjoying the sunrise, which is especially beautiful here! Nurses are on their way to work then, many times, regardless of how much sleep they’ve had! The 7-3, 3-11, 11-7 hours have always been challenging!
6am on weekdays is nice, but I’m annoyed with 6am on Saturdays. Our alarm goes off at 5:15 on weekdays and I’m not a fan of that. I like the quiet of the morning, but I do better on 8 hours of sleep than 7 like my husband. (We typically go to bed at 10.) So I usually need a nap at some point in the week or once a week I’ll go to bed at 8:30. But by 6 on weekdays I’ve showered and if the kids are all still sleeping it’s a delightfully quiet part of my day.