I am actually not very good at this.

But here’s a list of some things that feel sort of indulgent to me.
- going to bed early and getting a really good night’s sleep
- eating cookies/brownies/muffins
- having an extra cup of coffee with sugar and cream
- sitting down to read a book
- watching TV
- watching a movie
- ignoring my to-do list
- buying something I do not NEED
- going somewhere overnight all by myself
Since I’m not an expert indulger, I am so super curious to hear what you guys say to this prompt!
I admit that I eat too much but it never feels special or anything; it’s just something that’s kind of come out of other issues.
I don’t really treat myself to much lately but I do enjoy a day by myself watching movies.
My list is very like yours! I bet Kristin’s will be, too. Ha.
A breve’ from a place.
A drive to a grocery store without an entourage.
Cream on my breakfast. Anything is better with cream.
Any random HGTV show, or This Old House, without an interruption.
An uninterrupted night’s sleep that doesn’t end with an alarm clock.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, they all involve solo activities:
-Lying in bed to read by myself.
-Eating lunch by myself while reading.
-Having a Sidecar (cocktail), preferably locked in my room so I don’t have to arbitrate juvenile disputes or answer any questions.
-Watching a movie. Which is kind of impossible due to the length of time involved, and is therefore an indulgence that only happens when my husband takes all the kids camping or something.
-And, the biggest one, going to stay a night in a hotel by myself. I did that for the first time ever last year for my birthday gift to myself (and my husband’s gift to me, as he was the one staying home to man the ship) and it was all my indulgences rolled into one. Movies! (Plural!) Eating by myself! A cocktail! A bath! IT WAS FANTASTIC. And possibly never repeated, but I’ll always have the memory . . .
You are like the country version of suburb me. lol
Probably watching a movie that only “I” like! Or going out with friends. That’s a rare treat. Or just doing nothing with a cup of coffee and a treat. Ahhh…
Solo activities, definitely! Hiking, painting, reading, exploring back roads.
– Reading a book (to myself, not to my kids)
– Drinking coffee
– I recently started listening to a funny podcast about family and that seems indulgent to me
– Secretly sneaking chocolate when it’s in the house and I’m undiscovered by my children 🙂