As I imagine is the case for most people, this does vary some.
But a typical morning starts with either Mr. FG or me feeding the cat. She’s very anxious for us to wake up in the morning, and she does kinda want to be fed.
Mainly, though, she’s lonely after having spent the whole night by herself, so she’s hungry for attention more than food.

Once the cat is fed, Mr. FG and I read a devotional together (the last two have been New Morning Mercies and A Shelter in the Time of Storm).
And then as long as the weather is decent and we have time, we usually head out for a quick 2-mile walk. Fresh air, time to talk, and a little exercise is a good morning starter.
If I’m lucky and get up early enough–like before 4:30 a.m.–I can make my coffee and stretch while it brews, then drink it uninterrupted. If I’m not lucky or don’t get up early enough, I rush into my clothes when I awakened to my daughter yelling from her room and spend some time sitting in my daughter’s room, “cuddling” her, while she climbs all over me. THEN I get to make my coffee. 🙂
I also try to be up early, but more like 5 a.m. 😉 , because I prefer to shower and coffee and breakfast and pack lunches before waking the kids for school. Bonus points if I get time to read … something, anything … over breakfast.
No school for a bit, of course — and man, making the switch to a kids-always-home frame of mind is tough for this introvert.
I can imagine how tough the adjustment is! Are you still going to keep your getting up early habit? That’ll help maintain a little sanity for you.
I hope so. I will have to exercise self discipline to not only maintain control of home learning (and holy cow all the added devices) but also the work I have committed to through Memorial Day. The only way will be to keep on top of mornings. (Or such is my suspicion.)
Feed the dogs, let the dogs out, convince dog he does not need to sit on my lap, drink my coffee. Then we go for a walk and I get ready for work. I love my early mornings so I can ease into being functional.
Does kittie need a companion?
Heh, well, if Sonia had her way, we’d have a second cat!