I really like to help people, so I read this prompt and started thinking, “What is something that would be most helpful to the world?”

(Whenever I take personality tests, the type I come up as is often described as “The Helper” and I am never surprised. I’m not much of a leader, but I do like to help.)
So, if I could suddenly be an expert in something, I think I would choose something in the medical field. There are so many health-related challenges that people around the world struggle with, and I would love to help them!
Now, given when I am writing this, I think I could really bless the world by being an expert in Covid. I could develop a vaccine, or figure out how to treat people who are sick with Covid, or discover exactly how it does/doesn’t spread.
And that would help a WHOLE lot of people right now.
You may not be an expert in Covid, but you are indeed a help to readers and people in your life–a great help. Sincerity, caring, conviction go a long way in this upside-down time.
I would like to be an expert at interpersonal relations. I tried my best as a mom and a teacher, but was not as effective as I’d have liked!
This is just a fun thing but I’d love to be fluent in French. My mom is and I know a tiny bit and try to learn here and there but I’d like to stick to it and really become an expert then go to France and again and really converse!
I’m the same way, except it’s my dad who is fluent. I never had much luck picking it up,. Have you tried Duolingo?
I’d like to be a skilled enough researcher to discover how to fix traumatic brain injuries.
I’m a speech therapist and work with people recovering from traumatic brain injuries. Talk about complex! Not one us the same but it’s so rewarding. Wish I was more skilled in this area because it’s so devastating to see how it impacts people long term.
Diagnosing and fixing vehicles? Understanding and speaking many languages? That’s a good one. House-building and maintenance? Plants? I’m pretty good at gardening. And baking/cooking- not sure where expert lies, but I’m functional+.
I’m an RN, so I wish I was an expert at all of health stuff, but nursing’s not like that any more- we are now more like focused technicians. I know a lot about the area I work in. We don’t do much thinking, so I don’t think of “expert”. We get faster at our tasks is all. Heart disease and cancer and all diseases, including infections, would be good things to be “experts” in, but knowledge changes by the minute…
Weather? History? Can you tell I am a “Questioner”? Lol.