Um, most of them.
I suppose a better question for me would be, “In what areas are you pessimistic?”
And then I’d have to do some thinking. There probably is some area where I don’t feel particularly hopeful or optimistic.

As I’ve sat here pondering this, I think most of the cases where I feel pessimistic are me doubting that some people I know will ever change.
I mean, theoretically, I know that people can always change, but some people seem so stuck in their ways and so stubborn that they won’t listen or humble themselves enough to change.
In most situations in life, I have a generally optimistic outlook, even though sometimes life knocks me down with discouragement and everything seems terrible and hopeless.
But so far, I have never ended up staying in that hopeless place…I eventually pick up the pieces and bounce back to a place where I think, “It’s going to be ok. It will all work out. God has a good plan for me, and He is faithful.”
Even when I know my grand plans will never, ever come to fruition, I still grandly plan.
I also am basically optimistic most of the time. I was blessed with a personality that seems the up side of life. I am physically handicapped & have CHF but I am still alive &kicking. Even if I wake up in bad pain I remind myself I have a roof over my head,food to eat & a family that helps care for me . Plus I have my faith.
Everything!! I’m such an optimist I have annoyed myself and I certainly irritate my DH sometimes.
He has said often I should have been a politician or a political aide because I can always ‘spin’ an issue to the brighter, more optimistic side. Obviously not all politicians have policies you can spin into anything resembling positivity.
I think it’s one of my talents and I’m proud of my “sunny side” approach to life.
Sometimes I think my efforts to make things better are a waste of time, never going to work, etc. This could be in any realm of my life. But then I usually don’t quit trying, although I may readjust the how, what, when of my efforts or take a break. I try to consult God for guidance and reflect on past and present successes and lessons. So, this means I have optimism which overcomes the pessimism, I think.