Today’s prompt was: Your beliefs about the holidays

So, how about a few thoughts about Christianity and Christmas?
I don’t think Christians NEED to celebrate Christmas (it’s not mandated anywhere in the Bible that I see), but I also don’t think it’s wrong to celebrate Christmas.
Giving gifts to others, meditating on the incarnation; those are good things.
But I don’t consider Christmas to be a holy day; you can give generously to others and meditate on the incarnation on any day of the year! And I would argue that those things not only can, but should be done year-round.
Plus, it always seems a little odd to me that in the Christmas and Easter seasons, Christians almost behave as though the incarnation and the resurrection have temporarily been undone, and we are waiting for them to happen again afresh.
But we are not, in fact, waiting for a Messiah either to be born, or to die and rise again. All of that work is finished, and we get to permanently live on this side of the finished work of Christ.
Anyway, Christmas is fine and dandy! But also, Jesus has been born, has lived, has died, has been raised again, and has been seated at God’s right hand in heaven for a very long time, and that is a happy thing, which we can celebrate every day of the year.
Merry Christmas!
I so agree with you Kristen.
Merry Christmas to you, too. I hope your day is merry and bright.
Yes, there’s plenty to consider!
Childhood Christmases with Santa, Rudolph, Frosty, elves, Charlie Brown, colored lights, presents, school concerts, and cookies were a magical thing for me, and I wouldn’t change it. I wish every kid could enjoy the sparkle and warmth. But in my family, the “religious” parts were just a little awkward, since we didn’t go to church or believe in things like that.
As an adult I developed spiritual beliefs and appreciation and knowledge. It doesn’t really coincide with today’s popular Christmas trends, but those can be enjoyed for what they are. Although not so much this year! Goodness, mercy, joy, kindness, generosity, charity, community are always here, though.
Apparently, science shows that Jesus wasn’t necessarily born this time of year. Various solstice/weather phenomena and humans wanting to gather and have fun are behind the why and when. I make sure I have a lovely day and I worship and depend on God every day.
Christmas is a wonderful time and day full of special memories and family time currently. I feel very blessed. Merry Christmas to your family Kristen!
Merry Christmas. Thank you for the gift of your positive, hopeful and helpful blog.
To me the Advent season is a reminder that we are now in the Second Advent. Christ was incarnated, crucified and was resurrected then ascended into Heaven but now we await His triumphant return.