I don’t know that I have one! I kind of feel like any place that is quiet would be perfect.
(My assumption is that a quiet place also means that I am alone, because if another person is there, it would no longer be quiet!)
So. I am having a hard time imagining how a quiet place by myself could be less than good. Quiet solitude = good.

I know that people who live alone during the pandemic might read that and be like, “How can she not be grateful for all the company she has at her house with her family? I’d love to not have so much alone time!”
But I really think it’s all a matter of what you have a lot of and what you don’t have a lot of!
If I lived all by myself and was alone all day every day, I would probably start to feel hungry for some companionship.
But as moms (especially homeschooling moms and pandemic moms) know, family time is plentiful while quiet solitude is in fairly short supply, so that is what we might tend to be more hungry for.
Anyway, I got a little off-track with this prompt!
My bed. It’s soft, and dim, and as quiet as any place gets in my house when my children are here (which is almost always), but only if I can manage to keep the door locked. The lock on the door knob doesn’t work, so we put in a small sliding lock that attaches to the very flimsy door frame. The door frame has splintered twice when that door was pushed from the outside when locked. The last time, my three-year-old daughter ran right through it, Kool-Aid-Man-style, when I was in there trying to talk on the phone and she was running from her brothers. It was kind of funny, although it still isn’t fixed, so it’s harder to keep that room quiet now. 🙂
Weather permitting, my back deck. I’m really missing it this winter.
My sailboat. Even if I just go sit in it at the marina, it’s rejuvenating.
The corner of the bedroom upstairs, where I have an upholstered rocker and I can sit alone to read and rock slowly. As an introvert, a quiet place really recharges my batteries.
My bed. After a long day, retreating to bed cozy bed is a big reward! My back deck with a view of the forest is also heaven!
On a wooded trail somewhere. Preferably with the dog. He’s quiet but good peaceful company
My favourite quiet place is home, since we have no children, when my husband is at home, it’s very still here, perfect for my introvert self. And at work I hide in the ladies’ restroom. Since I’m the only woman shift worker between my male colleagues who make A LOT of noise, if I can, I sit quietly in the ladies’ room with my back against the warm heater and secretly sneak in a few pages of my book. It keeps me sane, especially during the night shifts.
I retreat to my bed during virtually every afternoon nap that my kids take. That’s where I am from 12:30-2:30. I read, watch tv, or sleep. I almost always have earplugs in and the fan going to block out noise. I also like sitting under the awning outside in the sunshine.