Today’s prompt: Khalil Gibran once said that people will never understand one another unless language is reduced to seven words. What would your seven words be?
Since I send 800 words out into the world nearly every day, I obviously would not be a fan of a 7-word vocabulary!
But I think if I had to reduce my interactions to seven words, they’d probably be:
“You ok?”
Because I like to check in on the people I love.
“Want help?”
Because I like to help.
“Love you!”
Because I say this every day.
Because I like to say yes whenever I can.
I’d really like to be able to add, “Thanks!” to the list too because I say that often.

But perhaps I could rely on non-verbals for that one; a good smile can replace, “Hi!” and “Thanks!” pretty well.
Thank you
Love you
No – because sometimes that has to be said!
Love you
You ok?
I will
I like the way these words look as well, like a funnel or an upside down triangle!
This is a fascinating question because my nonverbal son (6) has a primitive Talker that allows him 32 words to communicate with us. He started with a board of only 8 to learn how to use the talker, and almost everything could be covered with those 8 words. He has clever word combinations to tell us what he wants and needs. Some of my thoughts about what words I’d keep are based on his board:
Oh, is this one of those touch board speaking devices? My cousin’s little guy has one that has pictures, and then when you press the picture, the iPad says the word. I forget what it’s called!
Yes! My son is still in the process of getting a real one. He has to have one to prove to insurance that he should be able to get one, so we’re proving ability on a really old broken device we managed to find. We call all such devices talkers, even though they each have their own names.
Hi, I love you, please, thank you.
So people are never going to understand each other because this will never happen. The 7 words are: this guy is messing with all ya’ll.