I’m gonna go with one of my own kids: Lisey.
Last year, she made a job switch from restaurant bussing to working on cars, just because she wanted to learn how!
She had no prior experience, but she just applied to all sorts of places and eventually one of them gave her a chance.

She’s now been doing this for over a year, and she is now one of the top-performing employees at her shop, doing all the services that the men do, including rotating heavy tires.
As it turns out, she likes working with her hands so much, she’s decided to take an educational turn: this fall, she’s going to start at an airplane mechanic school because she wants to make a career of working on planes.

I think all of this is very courageous because it is tough, as a woman, to be in a field so dominated by men. Women make up only about 2% of airplane mechanics, and Lisey’s airplane mechanic school didn’t enroll its first female student until 2013!
So, Lisey is being something of a trailblazer, and I think that shows courage.
Well, obviously your maxim about whiskers was taken to heart by Lisey. 🙂
Lisey is amazing!!
I’ll say my son. It’s what I mentioned yesterday. He’s moving by himself to a new state. That’s brave. He’s single. He has some health problems and has been prone to a bit of depression and anxiety in the past so I’m very proud that he wants to try a new adventure to meet people. There’s not much here for him so it’s a good decision but not easy. It would be much safer and easier to stay.
I think what Lisey is doing is fantastic. Yesterday I was with my husband getting an oil change on our truck and I thought to myself, oh my goodness it’s so great that Lisey can do this.
And I love that her job has helped her to discover what she wants to do next.
Cheers to Lisey!
My son amazes me. He is such an interesting guy and works very hard at his job in biomed as an electronics tech. He maintains a rental duplex for extra income. He is fixing up a house to his wife’s expectations. He is a fantastic father to a 13 month old. He is a good son and brother. He went to college and graduated with honors while working full time and fixing up a $9,100 house (where he learned many of his skills). His cup is always half full. And he is profoundly deaf. His disability has never defined him.
Amazing! I want to send your son an award!
Yea, Lisey! 🙂 I’m so proud of her!! My boyfriend works in the airline industry and it pays well and offers great benefits (especially the free travel).
You go girl, strong and independent.
Wow! I am very impressed by Lisey, Sara’s son, and Nancy’s son! They are all very courageous and I wish them great success in all they do!
Thank you!
My daughter as well. She was very, very, shy when she was little. Attended a small Christian school and was very quiet. As a Freshman in HS she transferred to our local public school (where I graduated). I was sure she would be eaten alive. Teenage girls can be awful. BUT, that quiet, shy, very timid girl blossomed. Played volleyball, got involved in the amazing music program we had there, the band, and the Flag squad in the marching band. She then decided to go to college 8 hours away – knowing no one. She thrived there as well. In her sophomore year she studied abroad with 11 other girls on La Gonave, the Island in Haiti. She LOVED it. After graduating with her BSN in Nursing she immediately left for Cap Haitian, Haiti- where she knew no one and worked for a year for a nonprofit. She returned after that year and worked locally for 1 1/2 years and now is a travel nurse. Working in SC -again going where she knew no one. She is so brave and has such a servants heart. Longs to return to Haiti and serve that country. Unfortunately it is so dangerous there right now. She met and fell in love with a wonderful Haitian man while there. He has an interview with the Embassy in a couple weeks to get his K-1 Visa so he can come and they can get married. They have been in this process for 1 1/2 years and she has worked so hard to get him here. I am so proud of the woman she has become. ❤️❤️
Awesome young people. So good to hear their stories.