Hmm. My children do sometimes value my opinion, depending on the day, the kid, and the topic at hand.

Mr. FG values my opinion (ok, this is also depending on the topic. He probably wouldn’t value my opinion about the IT stuff he does, because I know nothing about it!)
I know there are blog readers who value my opinion, because they write to ask me questions.
And other than that, I’m not too sure! It’s kind of hard to know who exactly values your opinion because it’s not something people go around telling you.
I mean, it’s quite possible for someone to value your opinion in silence.
Oh, wait! I know who else values my opinion: every company that has ever sent me a survey.
What do they always say? “We value your opinion!” 😉
Who values your opinion?
(besides survey companies)
The school where I work (which is stretching the definition of “who”). I’m only there a couple of days a week, and I don’t have a classroom of my own, and I have no background as a formal educator. But I do work there, and I see how the teachers are trying to deal with things. I’m also a parent of several students at the school. So teachers and administration often ask my opinion when they’re trying to figure out schedules for distance learning (the fewer hours on a screen, the better), do 5th and 6th graders really need recess (YES), how to make math less difficult (make them memorize multiplication and division tables–an odd omission in the new curriculum), and so on. I guess I’m kind of like a double agent. 🙂
> do 5th and 6th graders really need recess (YES)
I was of the age when they started to take away recess in schools and I can say personally I noticed a very distinct downturn in my grades and ability to sit still. Luckily I wasn’t put on meds (which was the usual MO then)
My daughter recently told me (when she was picking out glasses for the first time) that she valued my opinion. I was floored.
Occasionally, a client values my opinion (I am an antenatal care midwife in a public clinic). It’s great to be able to reassure a woman who has been terrified by old wives’ tales. Sometimes, though, it’s very obvious that they really don’t believe me at all…
And just for what it’s worth, I also value Kristen’s opinion, and I believe ALL school age children need a break!
I have heard the idea “if you are having a baby, does it really matter that much if the health care provider has actually given birth?”
Yes and no. Scientifically, not really. A man with good training and a good heart can certainly help my baby and me. A person who has actually “been. there” might be more comforting.
Our city library has come to value my opinion, which has been a really neat thing. They’re going through a strategic planning process and asked me to participate in a focus group where I was one of only one or two people that weren’t part of an organization (I was just a parent) and have asked me to participate in another, more in-depth portion that they describe as being a group of board members, staff, and community leaders… Of which I am none. So I was really honored that they valued my opinion enough to ask me to participate.
One of the greatest compliments I have ever received was from a person who sincerely wrote to me “I really value your opinion” when it was clear we disagreed on many ideas in the current political arena.