homemade yeast bread
This is my culinary specialty, and since homemade yeast baking isn’t a universal skill, people tend to remember that it’s something I do.
being cheerful
It’s the tagline of my main blog, so I’m definitely known for this online.
But people who know me in real life would also describe me this way.
being frugal
Again, I’m definitely known for this online! But it’s an obvious-enough thing that even before I had a blog, friends and family were well aware I was into saving money.
being a musician

Very few people online have heard me play the piano, but lots of people in my real life know me as a church musician or piano teacher.
making faces
This is something my children mostly point out, but people I’ve met in real life, like at Fincon, have also noticed this about me.
You wouldn’t know it from reading what I write, but I do make a lot of animated facial expressions when I talk.

If I ever got comfortable in front of a video camera, you’d see what I mean. 🙂
Ha. My first thought was your first one: Bread. Although, mine’s sourdough. I give it away to everyone, so that’s probably my best-known baked good. But also, baking in general, since I somewhat frequently will make treats for the kids at school and so on. Funny, since I don’t actually like to bake.
Also known for reading a lot and knowing about books.
Known for being the mom of four kids at the school, all of whom have a reputation for being “brains.” (This is meant to be a compliment, but I actually dislike this characterization, especially when I hear it from other students, and always try to gently remind them that “being smart” comes in many forms and every student at that school is smart in some way.)
Known for having sheep. An oddity in this land of beef cattle.
And our family in general is known as a repository for all types of excess foods: roosters, commodities items, leftovers from the school cafeteria . . . we get it all. And, between the six humans, two dogs, and 16 chickens, we eat it all, too.
I remember my old boss telling me that he had told several other people at work, “You wouldn’t know it because she’s usually so quiet, but (JD) is actually quite witty.” My family of origin is fairly well-known for having a dry sense of humor, and this apple didn’t fall far from the tree. My husband is the same, and so are my kids, so it’s been a trait that has been reinforced all my life. I’m known by my friends and co-workers for being the one who makes a quiet remark that suddenly cracks up the room.
I’m also known to others as a “crunchy” person – before my health diagnosis, I made much of our bread, rolls, and buns, and for a while I ground my own grain. I also sewed some of the kids’ and my clothes and still sew things as gifts, I hang out my laundry that is washed in homemade soap, garden organically, cook from scratch, use cruelty-free products, etc. I get teased a little bit about it by my kids, but they actually do the same type of things when they have time and availability.
I have no earthly idea. What does that say about me?
I thought this too. I can’t really think that anyone says, to themselves or someone else, “Just ask Karen.” Hm.
My assertiveness, which is my blessing and my curse. When I worked a regular job, I was known for being willing to tell management anything without being afraid of getting fired. I thank my father for this—he always said not to be afraid to lose a job because I was so wonderful that anyplace would be lucky to have me. I realize I am not that wonderful, but living without fear definitely became part of my DNA. (Except flying, I am desperately afraid of flying. Ironic given that for years my job required flying small planes and helicopters into tiny villages, often during the terrible winter conditions of the northern most part of Alaska. Years ago, I took and passed ground school, figuring knowing the science behind flying would help me stop vomiting every single time I got on a plane. It did not help at all.)
What I’ve been told by other people throughout my entire life:
1) I’m encouraging
2) I don’t complain
3) I don’t have a poker face.
* Being a frequent library-visitor and having a love for books
* Knowing what’s going on when it comes to calendar events (I always read the weekly newsletter from the school, I calendar… I like to know what’s coming up, the details of the event, and what the expectations are for the occasion)
* Being frugal