I feel like I’ve had a prompt along these lines before. But maybe I am remembering wrong.

How about a bulleted list of things, large and small, that stress me out?
I feel stressed:
- when important relationships aren’t going well
- when it’s 5:30 pm and I have no idea what to make for dinner
- when I have to have a confrontation
- when someone wants me to do something I don’t want to do
- when there is too much on my plate
- when I have to lead something
- when two people I care about want opposite things from me
- when I have a week with a whole bunch of scheduled things, leaving with me little wiggle room in my schedule
That last one, for sure. Also, having to go places, especially if they’re new places, really stresses me out. Like finding a new dentist’s office or something.
When I have to tell someone something I know they won’t want to hear. Hate the anxiety leading up to that. I also hate the stress of a over scheduled week.
Your “stressed face” photo gave me a smile this morning! I guess it decreased my stress, lol!
oh my gosh, all of the things listed above!
Yes, the exact same ones for me, too! Must be universal! Was public-speaking on there? I’ve read that it’s most people’s #1. And I just read about the anxiety of being alone in a social event, when everyone one else seems to be in a couple or group. COVID-19 had an effect there, strangely enough.
Waiting for news or test results is nerve-wracking.
But I will say these stresses seem to decrease for many as we get older. We get braver, turn to our faith, realize what really matters, and, I find it calming as you have said that “I have survived 100% of the hard things so far”.
Big cities. Driving in a place that has 5 lanes of traffic each direction. Row houses upon row houses with no open space. When we visited my family in Baltimore, I could feel my anxiety rising while we drove in the main part of the city. I feel tension in my neck just thinking about it.
I’m thankful we live in a rural place!
I’ll add phone calls, video meetings, and anything that makes me be on the subject side of a still or video camera.
Related to those mentioned above — city driving (or even somewhat crowded interstate highway driving), going into a new business/social situation/someone’s home alone, and being gone from home more than 10 times in a week (which I would never have expected to be my life, but occasionally is).