Lisey often makes me laugh.
Also, the book, “This is Going to Hurt” is definitely funny. I don’t often laugh out loud at books, but his writing has made me chuckle out loud multiple times.
(Just so you know: his writing is a little crass in places, and there’s definitely some language. But those two things are not what make his writing funny.)

And the other day, someone found my blog by googling, “Why the f*** is my pizza crust so soggy” and this provided me with a lot of entertainment, I guess because it’s so unexpected.
Soggy pizza crust is just a funny thing to swear about!
(I’m sure this person landed on my 5 Reasons Your Homemade Pizza is Terrible post. And I hope their next pizza experience is less frustrating.)
And lastly, our cat made me laugh because of the way she was stalking the feather-toy-on-a-stick.
Kristen, since I know nothing about blogging, how do you know what words people use in a search engine to find your blog? I found that interesting.
p.s. The post I look up the most is your recipe for broccoli, cheese, and noodle soup, and it’s always when I’m in the grocery store and can’t remember all the ingredients. My family loves that soup.
There are lots of different ways to do it, with analytics tools. I saw this one in an analytics tool that shows up on my dashboard whenever I log in. A lot of times the search terms are hilarious, so I always look at it!
I forget the actual account, but I recently stumbled across a Twitter account that is a 1st-grade teacher in England asking his class different questions–like what do your parents do when you’re not around, or what would you do if you were president of the world–and then recording them as a thread with his own analysis of the student and his or her answers. Each student’s personality is very distinct, and the teacher’s commentary is funny.
This sounds hilarious!
Two things made me laugh just last week: First, my husband got down on the dog’s mat to play with the dog and fell asleep. The dog promptly got up and jumped into my husband’s recliner to nap. I have a great picture of my husband in the dog’s bed and the dog in my husband’s chair.
The second thing that made me laugh was when we went through McDonalds to get my Friday fish sandwich. I saw a squirrel out of the corner of my eye and said to the husband, “You should shut the window so the dog does not jump out of the car to chase the squirrel.” My husband laughed and said, “It’s fine. You worry too much. He’d have to be elasto-dog to get out of that small op—-” and just then elasto-dog squeezed through the opening and ran out of sight after the squirrel. The people in the car behind us were convulsed with laughter, and so was I. The husband had to jump out of the car, yelling for the dog. Luckily, the pound hound came back before the line moved forward.