I don’t know if it was exactly a party, unless a whole weekend can be a party!

I’m getting a new sister-in-law this month, and I spent the past few days in New Hampshire with the bridal party for a bachelorette weekend.
(I promise it was extremely calm..we’re all Christians and we are all married except for the soon-to-be-bride. And it was in rural New Hampshire, where I think it would take a lot of effort to get yourself into much trouble. Ha.)
The weather was pretty bad (cold. cloudy. rainy.) but the eight of us had a great time together.
We hiked, played games, watched a chick flick, ate junk food, shopped, and stayed up way too late every single night.
I normally sleep about eight hours a night, and I have just had three six-hour nights in a row. As I write this, I’m sitting in the airport waiting to fly home and I am anticipating that I will sleep like a rock when I get home.

But the lack of sleep was totally worth it; I had a lovely time, and it was delightful to be responsible only for myself for a weekend.
I really don’t love being in charge of things, and since I was not the one who planned this weekend getaway, I got to go along for the ride, just helping out with the already-laid plans.
I’ve hosted barbecues at my host but I can’t say that I remember the last time I was invited somewhere. Maybe to a wedding four years ago if that counts as a party.
Well, I organized a silly thing. We have a senior in high school and so do our two good family friends. Our state is still quite shut down and their prom was canceled so some of their friends organized a make-shift dinner outside at a local ranch. So I decided to have our own “senior” prom with the 3 sets of parents of these kids. Ha. We got dressed up and had a nice dinner a my house. One friend made corsages and boutonnières! So funny! We had the best time all year! We even took “prom pictures”!
Aww, I think that was a lovely thing to do!
I went to a graduation party on Saturday. It was for a kid who goes to the same school my daughter attends (his mom works in the elementary office) and he goes to my parents’ church. It was great to see so many people from the church I grew up in!!