Well, I was shopping for clothes, which is pretty unusual for me.
I get easily bored/frustrated/overwhelmed by clothes shopping, so I either don’t start, or I give up easily.
And that is why I just wear the same type of thing over and over again…jeans + long sleeve tee + hoodie. That’s my cold weather uniform. Practical, comfortable, and passably stylish.

I have a couple of pairs of joggers from my Stitch Fix boxes, though, and I have been trying to figure out what to wear with them so that I don’t just look like I’m wearing a sweatsuit or pajamas (which is what happens if you wear a sweatshirt with joggers.)
The other day, I saw someone wearing a boxy sweater with joggers and it looked pretty cute. But I don’t really have a lot in the way of boxy sweaters, so that’s what I was searching for.
I ended up ordering this stripey sweater, which hopefully will look good with my joggers. We shall see!
I have looked at that sweater so many times! Let me know if you like it.
Oh, that’s so funny!
It arrived and my verdict is that it is still not good with joggers. It doesn’t fit as boxed and cropped as I’d hoped, so I still look sloppy with the sweater/jogger combo. However, the girls said that I should keep it because it looks good with jeans.
anything looks good on you. believe me when I say that. you have that kind of shape. embrace it.
A Lenox Disney Princess ornament. I buy one (okay, two) each year for my granddaughter for Christmas. The older ones, like Snow White, can be pretty pricey, but I was able to find Pocahontas and Mulan on eBay for (IMO) a steal! I ended up winning both (yay me!) and I still paid less than what just one of them would normally cost. eBay for the frugal win! *frugal touchdown dance*
Searched for? How to make homemade tooth powder. Searched for to buy? Tooth powder made by someone else on Etsy. 🙂 (I will probably make it myself if I decide I like it, but I didn’t want to buy like two pounds of ingredients to make it and then discover that I hated it and now had excess quantities of bentonite clay on hand.)
Ok, you are thinking of using this instead of toothpaste? Tell me more!
Mostly I dislike the artificially sweet flavor of standard toothpastes. I sometimes brush with just baking soda, which is very salty, but okay. However, I thought I would try an actual tooth powder. A lot of them have activated charcoal in them, but I skipped those. I chose one that just has baking soda, calcium, bentonnite clay (supposed to “re-mineralize” your teeth, although I have my doubts about that . . .) and peppermint essential oils. No flouride in it, but that’s not a concern for me.
I don’t know. I might just end up using plain baking soda after all. We’ll see.
Straw bedding for my semi adopted chicken Betty. Surprisingly hard to find!
That’s a really cute sweater.
On Sunday evenings I watch Masterpiece Theatre. I find I search out information frequently on the British and foreign actors I’m watching.
I went down a rabbit hole last evening with the female lead in Baptiste, Fiona Shaw.
Her current partner Somali Deraniyagala lost her entire family and close friends in the Dec.2004 tsunami. She wrote a memoir of that day and the following years since working through her grief called Wave(2013). She proposed to Fiona Shaw in 2018 and they welcomed a baby in October of 2021.
Somali sounds remarkable and I look forward to reading her memoir.
Camisoles on swap.com…I’ve bought multiples this year. I wear them everyday under my sweater, t-shirt or sweatshirt.
My cousin said a phrase to me that was not in English and my mind instantly translated it to “still waters run deep.” I’m bilingual but English is my stronger language so for some reason, my mind kept turning on what language I knew this from. So I looked up whether or not that was a phrase in English. This is the first time this has happened to me – where I legit didn’t know how I knew this phrase and in what language. It made equal sense to me in both. It’s been kind of a weird feeling but also very interesting for some reason.
Books at http://www.Bookmooch.com! You can give away books you don’t want, and get books you DO want fo free!
A Christmas countdown to update our magnet on the fridge. 46 days to go!