I’m just going to make a bulleted list of things that come to mind. So, they’re gonna be in random order.

And this is not going to be an exhaustive list because I could go on for a long time. I mean, there are a lot of happy things available in the world!
- being able to help someone else
- encouraging words
- sunshine
- the happiness of others
- a good hug from someone who cares
- writing
- taking photos
- quality time with people I care about
- quiet time by myself (I like a combo of alone time/togetherness!)
- beautiful clouds
- a comfy bed when I am tired. Such a deliciously happy thing.
- decluttering/organizing
- a good book
Oh, that’s interesting, a) that this prompt is so very up your alley, and b) that my list would mirror yours to a great degree.
I used to think it was super amusing that my roommate in college would say, often, “I love my bed.” But I’m definitely with her now.
• coffee
• a hot shower and an hour to myself before other people are awake
• the open road
• prairie sunrises and sunsets
• successful mechanicking
• beautiful crops (plant or animal)
• geographic coincidence
• the successes of people I know, and of my children, in particular
• a stretch of small talk that isn’t stilted or error-ridden (introvert alert!)
Yes, the open road! The phrase itself makes me happy because of what it evokes. Blue skies, puffy white clouds, a warm breeze through the window that carries the scent of summer, the car skimming along the blacktop, that feeling of anticipation.
Such a good prompt.
A good belly laugh from my son
Watching the sunrise at the beach (just being at the beach will do)
A really good cup of coffee
A weekend nap
Quiet time
A good book
A new recipe that turns out to be a home run
Lazy rainy days
Older couples holding hands
Snow days
Seeing old friends
My husbands terrible jokes (even though I’ll never tell him I like them, lol)
Newborn baby snuggles
I could go on forever!!
*Clean Sheets
*Ice Cream Cones with Sprinkles
*Cats Purring
*Giving/receiving a great gift
*All the colors in the world and the gift of eyesight
*The feeling when a bad headache lifts
Oooh yes, clean sheets are fantastic!
Clean sheets that have been hung outside to dry!!
Recently it’s been a reminder about making people smile. Too many people are sad or following social media that is filled with negativity. We need to share positivity.
1. a good book
2. clean house
3. appreciation of a homemade gift
4. crafting
5. decorating
6. watching the birds at the feeders
7. snuggles from grandchildren
Here’s mine-
– Coffee
– Callie snuggles (our dog)
-Seeing my family happy
-sunsets/sunrises at the lake
-warm days
-fresh bread out of the oven
-cleaning and putzing in our home
-kisses and hugs from my grandson
– a glass of good red wine
To feel loved.
Lately, it’s going to bed at 7:30 p.m. It’s crazy, I know, but I LOVE going to bed right after I put my daughter down. I fall asleep immediately, my husband puts the three crazy boys to bed, and then I can get up at 4 a.m. without feeling like I’ve been run over by a truck. Which gives me a half hour or so to stretch and drink my coffee before the daughter wakes up. And that also makes me happy. Domino happiness. 🙂
* Hearing and seeing my kids laugh hysterically.
* Seeing my oldest daughter succeed at overcoming frustrations (oh, the progress that has been made!!)
* Coffee. Bonus if it’s still hot from being brewed instead of being hot from the microwave.
* Spin class with my friend Lisa.
* Having time to read a novel without feeling like I’m neglecting important things that need done.
* BABIES. I love babies. The younger and smaller, the better.
* Mailing cards to friends and family.
* Seeing how the women in my church life group love and support each other.
–My husband, who has a lovely voice, often wakes me by singing a love song to me. Probably one of my favorite things in the world—and this is after more than decades of marriage.
–Running water and electricity (I lived without both in a cabin for several years)
–A furnace (only a wood stove in the cabin)
–A hard rain with lightening
–Three women friends who have known me since before gravity took its toll.
–A good book.
That is the most romantical thing ever. Aww!
* my 2 amazing daughters
* Quality time spent with hubby
* A puppy named Lilly
* Books! Lots of books!
* Scrapbooking (the old way)
* Painting
* Watching The Big Bang Theory
* Thrift shopping
* When snow melts and warmer days are showing up
* Kayaking
* A nice shade of lipstick
* Funky earrings