I can quickly think of more than three, but I’ll try to stick to the prompt.

1. Firewood
My dad really likes to have a big stash of firewood. He and my mom have a wood stove at their house and also a fire pit, so he does actually use the wood.
I think he has enough stored to last a lifetime or two, but he still cannot resist the siren call of a downed tree. 🙂
2. The gospel
My dad loves the good news of the gospel, and he has a lot of passion for the idea that when we realize how much we’ve been forgiven, then we’ll be humled and will show grace to other people.
3. Old cars
My grandpa owned a car dealership, so my dad grew up surrounded by cars.

In my memory, my grandpa’s shop always had a car or two in it in the midst of restoration, and my dad’s garages have been that way my whole life as well.
1. My mom. It sounds corny, but my mom has a degenerative neurological disorder which causes her to need help with everything and be unable to be left alone for long periods of time. He sacrificially serves her and NEVER complains, but rather is thankful for each moment he has with her. It is the most amazing thing to see, marriage vows lived out so graciously………not only giving up the things that he would like to do, but doing the things that are not pleasant to do.
2. Shakespeare. He is the president of the local Shakespeare club and they meet to read plays and go to live performances in Orlando, when he can and I stay with my mom of course.
3. Baseball. He was all set to go to a Spring Training game on March 14th, right after the world officially went crazy with COVID, and has been longing for baseball ever since!
Aww. Your dad sounds like a really great person.
1. Televised sports especially football.
2. Yard work & DIY jobs.
3. Donuts & cake.
I love your parents, so I’ve enjoyed reading more about them in your writings. I can’t tell you how much they encouraged me as a Christian, parent , and homeschooling mom.
I’m a pretty big fan of them too. 🙂
Sports, I remember his listen to 1 game on the radio &watching another on tv. My mom, & his grandkids. He was a sucker for them
1-the Bible
2-old movies
3- wine
IU Basketball
Pumpkin pie
I miss my Dad very much! Like you, I can easily think of LOTS of Dad’s favorite things! First three that come to mind are his family, engineering/fixing things, and reading. He also loved travel, history, Boy Scouts, and food. And story-telling! As my brothers and nephews grow older (especially with COVID-19 hair and beards), I really see my Dad in them!
This was kind of interesting to think about. The first three that came to mind:
Wood and woodworking. He’s a very skilled furniture maker and bowl turner, and he just loves wood and figuring out what to do with it.
Crossword puzzles. He got into these several years ago when he read they can keep your brain sharp.
And bridge. The card game, that is. I just learned he started playing this recently. He told me he really likes the game, but really did NOT like the group of folks he was playing with, so now he just plays online.
My dad does woodworking too! He’s built dressers and desks and other furniture too. But no bowls. 🙂
The first three things that come to my mind (and make me smile:-)) are:
Fixing things (he can fix literally everything and is a very skilled handyman)
Sudoku puzzles (he is kind of addicted to his sudoko books)
The birds in his garden and his red cat (the combination is a little weird, I know)
Ah, my dad is so good at fixing things too!
My dad has been gone for two decades now, but I can still remember him so well! He had many interests, but off the top of my head…
1. Fixing things. When the preacher gave a eulogy at the funeral, he said, “All I know is, if there was anything broken in heaven, (JD’s Dad) has fixed it by now!” He loved to fix things and always brought his tools when he came to visit his grown kids, asking us to keep some little repair jobs ready for him in anticipation.
2. Family. He was devoted to his family. He helped out everyone with repairs, remodeling, errands, mechanics, you name it. At one point, he was doing the taxes for us, his parents-in-law, his widowed dad, an uncle, one of his siblings, and an aunt-in-law. And he was not an accountant. He did this around his own job.
3. Singing. He was in the church choir for over fifty years. He also sang special music sometimes at evening church services with some of his brothers and sisters. He sang and whistled as he worked. He actually encouraged us to sing on long car trips. When I think of him, I often think of songs, especially the old-fashioned hymns.
And, today is his birthday. So thanks for this opportunity to remember him in print!
1. My mom, they’ve been married 60 years and still hold hands.
2. Me. I am an only child and even at age 80 I could call my dad at any time and he would pop on his shoes and come fetch me.
3. My children. My sons are like little princes to my dad (and mom). They are 18 and 16 and about a foot taller than him but that’s my dad.
Family is everything to him. He was one of 13 children and was quite poor financially but rich with love.
He’s my hero.
1. Astronomy
2. Cookies
3. Cycling
I loooove to see old cars restored. Your dad’s hobby is very cool 🙂
My dad…
1. His Peterbilt semi
2. Baseball caps
3. Lol, beer
1. Baseball, especially his beloved Red Sox
2. Coffee Ice Cream
3. Performing choral music
RIP “Pops”