My first thought after reading this prompt is that I’d like to have some kind of magical power that could help right all the wrongs in this broken world.
It would be pretty nice to be able to heal diseases, eradicate racial injustices, remove abuse from the world, and so on.
But Lisey pointed out that that having a bunch of power like that would basically make me like God. And I certainly do not have the wisdom to exercise such power like that.

I would want to make life easy and pain free for everyone, but as tempting as that sounds, I know that it’s often the hard times in life that really make us grow in character. So, I would probably ruin some people’s lives in my efforts to help them.
Anyway. I don’t think the world could trust me with that kind of power.
If we’re taking this less seriously, then I think it would be fun to magically be able to either fly or to breathe underwater.
Whole new worlds would open up if I were not so bound by gravity or by the need for a dry source of oxygen. 🙂
This was a topic of much discussion in our house when my older two were reading the Harry Potter series. Given how much time I spend in the kitchen, I told them I would like kitchen powers like Molly Weasley’s–making spoons stir themselves, food fly out of the refrigerator and onto the stove, etc.
Ooooooh! Yesssssss!!!
My fun power would be like on the old show, “Bewitched.” I could wiggle my nose and my house would be clean! Presto!
As a mom of 5, this was my very first thought too. Feels like the house is never really clean around here!
I’d need some power related to time. Like it would be cool to put the rest of the world on pause while I do my stuff — read a book, shingle a building, catch up on editing work, just have some blessed silence — just catch up so I can enjoy daily life instead of being preoccupied with whatever isn’t getting done.
Yes, I sometime fantasize about this. It says something about your life when you fantasize about doing work.
I would also love to be able to fly.
I wish for the ability to understand all languages!
Well, I had another one in mind—until I read you reply. YES! To be able to understand and speak all languages.
I would like to read people better, to be better able to empathize with other points of view. I’m not sure if this would be a “careful what you wish for” thing, but I’d like to think it would make me a more understanding and compassionate person.
This is a thing I am pretty good at, and while it has its uses, it comes with downsides too.
Nothing is perfect! 🙂
I would really like to have the magic power of teleportation- imagine: no more commutes, no more driving, no more traffic jams, living wherever you want and work somewhere completely different, vist relatives and friends that are far away at any given moment…and if the whole world could teleport, we could get rid of all cars and roads and planes! Imagine how clean and pure everything would become in a world without traffic!
Kristen, funny about your less serious choices…I’ve dreamed quite a number of times that I could breath under water. However, I’ve never dreamed that I could fly…not yet anyway.