Oh man. It seems like this is a question that would be better answered by someone other than me! I could answer this question about other people far more easily than I can about myself.

Unique officially means, “being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. “
And in some senses, by the strict definition, there’s no one aspect of me that is unlike anyone else.
Maybe my particular combo of traits is unique, but none of them by themselves are actually unique.
So. Maybe I’ll just list a few of the things that are very “me” about me.
- a very large smile
- a sensitive heart (which is an upside and a downside, in equal measure)
- a perky personality
And although I would not have thought to describe myself as such, multiple people over the last year have used the word “quirky” to describe me. So, I’m thinking it must be true!
As you said, I can’t think of anything, it’s just the combination for traits. I think maybe that’s why different people connect- either our combinations match up, or are so different that we are intrigued by each other!
I am unique in my relationship with my Heavenly Father.
“‘Normal’ is just what we call those we don’t know very well yet.” – a dear friend from college
“Imagine people complexly” – John Green (originally in a vlogbrothers video)
I’m a woman in engineering, a parent who has worked full-time, part-time, and been a stay-at-home parent. I’ve homeschooled my kids, been a public school parent, and a private school parent. I’ve lived on all three coasts (Pacific, Atlantic, and the Midwest). I love math and reading and music and science and God and cooking and knitting and construction.
I’m a city girl who loves to be in nature. I’m a cyclist who geeks out over cars and engines.
Hah, I would call myself quirky, too, although not unique. What’s that line from “The Fantastiks?” — “Oh please, God, don’t let me be NORMAL!” Sung by a dreamy teen-aged girl on the cusp of her adult life.
I would add that you are MODEST and very very kind. 🙂