This prompt made me think of the parable of the talents (which is, I believe, where we derive the word.)
In that sense, the word “talent” refers to a gift God has give to you, which you can then use to serve God by serving others.

I like this way of thinking of talents because:
- it reminds me that my talents are gifts from God. So, no reason to be cocky about them.
- it reminds me that my talents are given to me so that I can use them to bless others. They’re not something to be selfish with.
So, what am I good at?
- being patient
- being kind and gentle
- thinking of others
- helping people
- playing the piano
- writing
- consistency (I am a steady plodder!)
- decluttering
- saving money
- paying attention to small blessings
- smiling 🙂
As I look over this list, I can think of opportunities God has given me to use every one of these talents to serve other people.
I know it sounds cheesy, but as I thought about that, man, my heart felt so happy. There’s nothing remarkable about any of my talents, but still, there have been ways for me to bless the people around me with my unremarkable gifts!
I think you should add that you are great at communication. You disseminate useful information in an interesting way through your blogs and you are definitely serving others with them.
I like how you explained this because it’s hard to list our good qualities. It feels likes bragging or boasting. But God gave us talents for a purpose. I am helpful, a good cook and baker, a good communicator, humorous, a problem solver, and social
I’m a good cook, which is an excellent way to bless other people, because everyone likes food.
I’m a good writer and editor, which has been very helpful for family and friends (and their resumes, cover letters, assignments, etc.) over the years.
I’m a good reader, which my children appreciate.
I am efficient and practical.
And I have a talent for finding humor in every situation. If there are people who don’t appreciate this, they’re too polite to say so. 🙂
I’m a good cook. I feed not only my family but their friends. Many of the kids’ friends request certain dishes that I have made them before.
I am flexible as far as my scheduling goes. I spent 25+ years as a special education teacher and I had to learn very quickly to be flexible.
I am a good decorator. I have had many compliments on my decorating skills and have been enlisted to help others decorate their homes.
I’m am a good crafter and make many of the gifts I give at Christmas and other occasions throughout the year.
I’m a good reader. I have read as long as long as I can remember. It’s a favorite pastime of mine.
I am a good writer. I was published in a college magazine and had short stories read as examples to classes.
I’m sure you could write an entire book about the many talents you’ve used while working 25+ years in SPED!
1. I am a good editor.
2. I am a good gardener and share my bounty with several elderly neighbors who can no longer garden.
3. I am very assertive and have stepped forward when seeing someone being taken advantage of or mistreated. It also means I am not afraid to go against the group if I think something is wrong. I can remember my father telling my grade school self, “If you see someone being hit or made fun of and do nothing, then you are as guilty as the person doing the hurting.” Thanks, Dad. (Like many good points taken to extreme, this is also one of my major flaws…coming on too strong or interfering.)
4. I take the time to write notes of appreciation about people who have given me good service, like waitstaff, grocery clerks, mechanics, and so on. I make sure to send these letters to their employers in the hope that it will help with raises or promotions. If nothing else, it makes the subjects of the letters know they are seen and appreciated.
5. I am a good cook of homey, comfort foods.
Ah, your number 4…what a blessing you are to those people!
I’m good at fixing computer issues and just general tech stuff. I tend to end up as everyone’s IT guy but I guess that’s okay.
I’m also really meticulous about budgeting and planning for things.
I am very giving of my time with people but not things. I enjoy people and let them know it. I share my skills with others. I am a great cook but lousy baker. I would love to make your bread & rolls but lack patience. I am a reader & editor for friends who lack good grammar skills. I have a good teacher . I great at setting up a budget &sticking to it. Saving money if I have a goal. My biggest weakness is ebooks from Amazon.
It does feel like bragging to list my talents, but here goes. I’m a good cook and love to bake (even things that are not good for me :)), definitely a planner, budgeter, musical talent (singing but not used much any more), patient. My husband says I’m kind; I usually discount that because I have some not nice thoughts. He says it still applies because I don’t act on those bad thoughts. Ok, maybe.
But my best talent is that I was a great mother. That’s not really my assessment but the results show in my grown children. They are the most awesome human beings – all of them different, but all are productive, kind, loving parents and spouses. They are raising awesome grandchildren. And I definitely don’t take all the credit for how they turned out. My husband and God helped me out so many times!